Little League Lessons to Big League Lessons

A Love Letter to my Children, via Baseball and My Father

Danny Twoguns
The Press Box
Published in
4 min readMay 24, 2022


Photo by kylie De Guia on Unsplash

To My Tornado-Wrecking Ball Crew…

I often joke that one of the worst things my dad, er grandpa, ever did to me was to make me a Jets fan.

But one of the best things he did was make me a Yankees fan.

This not only introduced me to an optimistic franchise with its ups and downs, but one you enjoy rooting for. Unlike the former, which has only ever brought frustration, heartache, and pain.

While I won’t put you through the list of ailments of being a Jets fan, I do wish to impart the love of ‘America’s Greatest Pastime, Baseball; and the most historic sports franchise in all of sports, the New York Yankees.

But as a vehicle that transcends sports. This is the story of what the Yankees and baseball mean to me, and mainly how sports are much more than a game.

See, Grandpa worked a lot when I was around your age. More than even me, if you can believe it.

A lot of the time we spent together just he and I, was either in Little League Baseball (where he was the coach) or watching the Yankees on the weekends and…



Danny Twoguns
The Press Box

Dad of 4 under 7. Gym owner. Reading and Continuing Education Nerdy Nerd. Digital Marketing Agency owner. Helping the helpers.