Semi Finalists Announcement: TPB Spring Writing Tournament

It’s down to the top four

Gaurav Jain
2 min readJun 21, 2022



Dear TPB Sportswriter,

I’ll keep this short.

For the quarter final stage of the tournament, we asked all the contestants to use their words to take us on a trip down their memory lane to a sports event they witnessed in person or watched on the idiot box from the comfort of their house.

From Wimbledon to tennis in San Diego, baseball to rowing, NHL to NFL, and kids’ soccer to college football, we received eight stunning memoirs from our ‘quarter finalists. The versatility and writing was top notch from all these brilliant writers and we are proud to have published these memoirs on TPB.

If you haven’t read these essays already, you can find all of them here.

Semi Final Prompt

For this stage, we would like our semi finalists to describe a day in their life if they wake up as their favorite athlete and it’s your day off. Please make sure you stick to the prompt and the goal.

Goal — Use your funny bones to make it humorous.

The semi finalists have up until 24th June. Lights out at midnight NY time.

If any semi finalist fails to make their submission on time, their opponent will get a bye to the finals.

Even though this is a semi final prompt, we invite all the TPB writers to use this prompt to live a day like never before. It would be a good practice for all of you for the summer tournament starting on July 1st. We will highlight some of the best essays in our announcement post for the finals.

The Finalists

The competition was really tough for all the four brackets. So much so that we had to bring in KiKi Walter and Sally Prag into play to resolve the deadlocks in addition to the TPB editors.

Without further ado, the winners of the quarter finals are: Craig Tyson Adams, Phoenix Mōsher, Stephanie Wilson, and brian g gilmore (bumpyjonas). Enjoy the moment but you still have work to do.

Lee Bidoski, Wynn Lavie, Kristine Laco, and Ginger Cook, our other quarter finalists, bow out with thinnest of differences in the scores. None of them need any introduction as they all are well established writers on this platform. We are thankful to them for their participation and raising the bar of the competition. I hope they enjoyed this as much as we enjoyed having them with us.


Thank you, all. Stay tuned for updates on TPB Spring Tournament and TPB Summer Tournament.

TPB and Suite 1984 Editorial Board

