Striking Vs. Grappling — Which is more effective?

A mixed martial arts inquiry

The Press Box
4 min readJan 23, 2024


Photo by Vladislav Bychkov on Unsplash

In the realm of mixed martial arts, the digital sphere has become a platform for strategic discussions and unexpected connections. Recently, fight strategy advice was offered to Conor McGregor through a tweet, emphasizing caution, jabs, and frustrating the opponent. What makes this exchange intriguing is the unexpected acknowledgment from McGregor’s coach, John Kavanagh, adding a personal touch to online interactions. This narrative delves into the significance of these digital engagements, showcasing the power of connections formed through online platforms.


Photo by Joshua Jamias on Unsplash

In the realm of self-defense, the age-old debate between grappling and striking takes center stage. Both disciplines offer unique advantages, yet a closer examination often leans towards grappling as a more effective means of self-preservation. This analysis aims to shed light on why grappling, with its intricate ground-based techniques, is often favored in real-world situations where personal safety is paramount.


Photo by Jesse van Vliet on Unsplash

Grappling, encompassing disciplines such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and wrestling, places a premium on control. In a self-defense scenario, controlling an opponent is a fundamental aspect, and grappling techniques excel in achieving this. Once engaged in a clinch or on the ground, a skilled grappler can neutralize an assailant’s striking abilities, rendering them far less effective. This emphasis on control becomes particularly crucial when dealing with situations involving multiple attackers or when the goal is to immobilize rather than incapacitate.


Photo by Chris Chow on Unsplash

One critical aspect that tilts the scale in favor of grappling for self-defense is the concept of escalation management. Striking, often relying on powerful blows, may escalate a situation unnecessarily. Grappling techniques, on the other hand, provide a spectrum of responses, allowing for a measured and proportional use of force. This adaptability is especially valuable in encounters where the intention is not to inflict harm but to gain control and ensure personal safety.

Ground Game

Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

Unlike striking, grappling techniques are less dependent on the terrain. In a self-defense scenario, where the environment can be unpredictable, the ability to execute techniques irrespective of the ground surface becomes a significant advantage. Moreover, grappling equips individuals with skills for ground survival – a crucial element when a confrontation inevitably reaches the ground. Understanding how to navigate and control an adversary in this context provides a distinct upper hand in self-defense situations.

Photo by Chris Kendall on Unsplash

Striking techniques, be it punches, kicks, or elbow strikes, are instrumental in creating and managing distance between oneself and an assailant. A well-executed strike not only inflicts damage but also serves as a deterrent, discouraging an aggressor from advancing. By leveraging the range inherent in striking, individuals can establish a safety zone, providing valuable seconds to assess the situation and plan the next move.


Photo by Derrick Treadwell on Unsplash

While both grappling and striking have their merits, the unique attributes of grappling, such as control, escalation management, and adaptability to diverse terrains, make it a compelling choice for self-defense. This analysis underscores the importance of a comprehensive approach, acknowledging the strengths of both disciplines while recognizing the situational efficacy of grappling in the realm of personal safety.

