7 Typical Hurdles You’ll Face In the Near Future

How to prepare yourself for tomorrow before tomorrow comes.

Nuno Fabiao
The Price of Tomorrow


Photo by Sam Moqadam on Unsplash

How many robots do I have at home?

One of these days, I started to count how many robots I use daily.
I started with my phone, of course. It’s a highly sophisticated robot containing my banking accounts, daily weather reports, photo gallery, and social network. And in an infinite exponent, my cell phone has access to the Internet that connects me to the world.

Then I have my computer, the most valuable robot in my daily activity. On my computer, I access two apps that use deep learning. Those are Grammarly and Hemingway, two applications that save my life every day in my editing routines. Also, in my most valuable robot, I have access to the Cloud, and there I have basically all my digital life. Photo albums from my kids, photos of my trips, birthday parties, ultra-trail races, girlfriends, everything.

To occupy my little free time, I have my leisure robot- the smart TV. I have access to Netflix, Disney+, and HBOmax, but also to the Internet.
If you think I have a vacuum cleaner at my home, I don’t. Those are funny robots. Most of my friends have one, and maybe I’ll buy one soon. You program it, go out, and the little guy does it by himself. Soon a humanoid will…



Nuno Fabiao
The Price of Tomorrow

I write about Finance, Macro Economy, Innovation, and Crypto. Editor for The Price of Tomorrow, writer for The Startup, and DataDrivenInvestor.