The Exponential Age is Coming: Understanding It Will Be Your Most Valuable Financial Hedge

Everything is being sucked into this new financial world, and you’ve got not to be left behind.

Nuno Fabiao
The Price of Tomorrow


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I think we’ve entered The Exponential Age: an era where the digital and physical paths finally converge and everything is disrupted- for good.- Raoul Pal in

Our brains are programmed to think linearly, and that’s the main reason we have so much difficulty picturing the exponential growth concept.

However, we can grab the example of Kodak to understand more straightforwardly the difference between linear and exponential phenomenon.

Kodak created the first digital camera in 1975. Yet, the company quit developing such innovative creations because it didn’t want to damage its monopoly in the photographic film business.

At that time, it was like inventing electricity, but then quit because you wouldn’t want to interfere with the candle business.

Kodak was slowly eaten in the following decades, being delisted in 1999 from the DJIA index, being there more than 7 decades long.



Nuno Fabiao
The Price of Tomorrow

I write about Finance, Macro Economy, Innovation, and Crypto. Editor for The Price of Tomorrow, writer for The Startup, and DataDrivenInvestor.