In Losing My Faith In Humanity

Ikoro Iyineleda
The Pride of Machismo Renaissance
4 min readFeb 9, 2021

This was a post that was placed recently on a Facebook page, by a certain Philip Roy……

“I’m starting to really hate most people. How can I not be enraged, disgusted, and hateful when I see so many causing so much suffering? I find ignorance, apathy, laziness and cowardice so incredibly repugnant. I understand we are supposed to be tolerant. But I dont understand why or how. II guess, if anything, intolerance and hate is a waste of my energy. But where do I go from here? If anyone can help me understand it would be greatly appreciated.”

And this was my response to the post…….

“I believe that I understand how you feel. It is extremely difficult to have any faith in humanity. In most cases, being humane is far different from being human, and my life is a most typical example of how this can be the case. I’ll explain further.

As of today, I happen to be one of the most harmless men in the world, if not the most harmless; despite my membership of both the Pyrates Confraternity and the Rosicrucian Order. In spite of this, however, the land of Ibadan in particular (and the nation of Nigeria in general) has waged a war against me that would make you believe they were waging a war against an entire nation — or more.

They turned my life into a reality television entertainment show. They turned me into an object of ridicule, to be insulted and derided at every point in time; not only to my face, but even through the mass media. They monitored my life into non-existence, both physically and spiritually; to the extent where I have nothing of either privacy or personal space. They monitor to the extent where, in their hands I’m a guinea pig whose life they use to derive how their own lives can be better, whilst they all work with most frenetical hatred to make sure my own life can only get worse. They wage a propaganda war against me; not only through hearsay, but through radio and television stations also. They murder those that would be loyal to me — including two dogs, two cats, and a human being. They destroyed my life, after over two decades of being a university graduate with a most promising future, into being a civil servant with a fake job that even stark illiterates laugh off as not possibly having a single school certificate — due to his poverty-stricken status. They plunder of my property so mercilessly that all I possess is made to be public property that any of their vile public can intrude into, so mercilessly that even primary school children claim they it was that wrote what is intellectual property to me, so blatantly that they would announce on radio stations that they it was that wrote books that are supposed to be copyrighted in my name. And when they believe that they can not get away with the plunder, they destroy of the proceeds of my labour; making it a ritual to burn original copies of my books and my writings, not only in private but also before the eyes of all others. All these and more, all these and worse, all because they saw that I had a promising future that they all envied, and consequently sought to destroy.

With all these afflictions by the hands of human beings, is it then possible for any one to have faith in anything human? Most especially when I have cried out for over two decades, and not only through the internet; concerning all the evil that Nigerians in general (and Yorubaland in particular) are wreaking on my life — crying out in futility, with not one single person lifting a single finger to help; until Eddie Adupeyi died on the streets, until both Witness and Victory were murdered to my face.

I therefore understand the hatred that you have for most people. In most cases, they deserve it. I on my own part have lost so much faith in humanity that I’m about to disown both of my parents — legally, with a court order. Please, pretty please tell me; how is it possible for you to have any faith in humanity when both your mother and your father are of those that plunder you of your works? when your mother can tell your father that he was a wicked man to have sent you to university? when your very own father can state that he regrets the fact that you ever went to university? I have so little faith in humanity today that (today, at the age of forty-six going on forty-seven) I am yet to marry — and I see little possibility of this part of my life changing in the nearest future. I indeed understand the hatred that you have for most people. I would say I share it, but I keep on having the hope that, one day, I’ll meet even if just one person that restores my faith in humanity.”

What is your own position on this issue?



Ikoro Iyineleda
The Pride of Machismo Renaissance

writer, intellectual, chartered accountant - in view, consultant psychiatrist - in view, professor in Psychiatry - in the making.