May Christianity Be Accursed.

Ikoro Iyineleda
The Pride of Machismo Renaissance
4 min readAug 15, 2021

Initially, that which the Yoruba would say of my life was, “O ko yin” (He just praised Him).

Now, they say of me, “O ko wa” — in other words, “He just came;” where the ignoble foolish of this generation would assume that they innocently mean, “He has denied us.”

All that they may all be able to one day say of me, all courtesy of the demented religion whose laws of lawlessness they all hearken unto,

“Vanity upon vanity. His life was all vanity.”

May not only Christianity but the Yoruba nation also

leave their name to Masculinism

for a curse,

and may The LORD GOD slay them.

- Ikoro Iyineleda; 15th of August, 2021

Warning: One of those of whom it is said was with the intention of claiming before my Creator that he was of my followers was yesterday eventually said to have been slaughtered by the enemy. After I told him he was a bastard, blocked him on WhatsApp, and deleted all the numbers of his on my phone.

I have said it often and again, for how many years now? that my children are my wards and my writings — to prove how valuable my wards and my writings are to me. The accursed Yoruba tribe believes they have thwarted even that part of my life by having me be not only a victim of rape in the hands of all manner of their women, but by having also these women be privileged to semen of mine that was literally speaking plundered of me — all that demented Christianity may ever be able to claim of their Jesus Christ,

“Only he was innocent, only he was righteous; only his is the way, the truth, and the life; only his can lead to GOD;”

and obviously due to the myriad of bastards that they intend to have littered all over the place, with which they would they claim that all that is my life was wasted on shameful dissipation.

And yet, these legitimate children of mine — that are being attacked with not only the cunning spoken of above, that would I have also children of flesh and blood; but with the blatantness also, that has them be deleted of all manner of web-sites and even more, that has them be diligently burnt as part of an open ritual on the streets of Yorubaland — these same children of mine now have to be delivered into the hands of Nihinlola Sanda and her Adebayo Sanda, both of whom are of they that have been putting my children to fire with most seriously dedicated insanity. Delivered, and with the same delirious levity that has had me know the Yorubas for years to be the most fanatically unserious ethnic group I have ever come across. Delivered, and by the hands of this same man of whom so many now say was before his death my follower, due to whose death so many now say I have no longer any.

I am not taking even the Professor Akinade Olumuyiwa Sanda and the Folashade Modupe Sanda nee Bammeke that both are supposed to be my parents to court, to have them be declared by nothing less than a court injunction as being no longer my parents; for just any reason. If you’re not with me, you’re against me. There’s no standing on the fence.

The death of this man of whom I speak is presently a topic of no more than conversation on television stations, by those that have turned the blatant monitoring of my life into an open reality television entertainment show. It is presently being rejoiced over by churches in the neighborhood of Alegongo-Akobo, that all are celebrating the assumption that I have lost another one of mine. And Professor Akinade Olumuyiwa Sanda and his Nihinlola Sanda (into whose hands this foolish man delivered the password to my laptop) celebrated his purported death yesterday night, after it began to be said that he had been slaughtered; by devouring chicken.

I guess they couldn’t afford a cow.

And yet, it is to these same churches that this foolish man would have been gadding off during his life-time — if he truly now is dead. It is with these same murderers that he would be laughing with carefree levity, were he to still be around today.

I mourn the death of Eddie Adupeyi. I mourn the death of Witness. I mourn the death of Victory. I mourn the death of Attila. I mourn the death of Attila II. But I don’t mourn the death of this man.

I look at it as a lesson.

If you’re not with me, you’re against me. Repeat: There’s no standing on the fence.

May not only Christianity but the Yoruba nation also

leave their name to Masculinism

for a curse,

and may The LORD GOD slay them.

PS: This is for the Yoruba nation, should it ever deem it fit to begin declarations of being of The Faith of Masculinism……..

“I was ready to be sought by those who did not ask for Me;

I was ready to be found by those who
did not seek Me.

I said, “Here am I, here am I,”
to a nation that did not call on My Name.

I spread out My Hands all the day
to a rebellious people,
who walk in a way that is not good,
following their own devices;
a people who provoke Me
to My Face continually.”

And the key word here is, “was.”

May not only Christianity but the Yoruba nation also

leave their name to Masculinism
for a curse,
and may The LORD GOD slay them.



Ikoro Iyineleda
The Pride of Machismo Renaissance

writer, intellectual, chartered accountant - in view, consultant psychiatrist - in view, professor in Psychiatry - in the making.