Ikoro Iyineleda
The Pride of Machismo Renaissance
3 min readAug 27, 2021


Pre-Script: This ward was instantly deleted from LinkedIn, by those that are striving to use a blatantly obvious war to impose the Slavery Of Speech — and thereby have the wicked justify their stubborn insistence on there never having been absolutely any war waged against Ikoro Iyineleda.

“Joyfully accepting the plundering of your property” is one of the lies upon which Christianity is built, and via which it destroys so many lives. And it rises out of the teaching of Jesus Christ that would thou turn the other cheek always.

Due to that teaching (and many others, ALL adhered to by none in The Church but the innocent that the teachings of Jesus Christ are meant to mislead) one of those that The Christ would be suffered to come unto him because — as far as he could see — unto such as they is The Kingdom of Heaven, had yesterday to call this same Jesus, “Hatan.”

And again due to that teaching and many others, and the Ikoro Iyineleda that once was thereby misled, the wards and the writings of mine that are the children I vowed I’ll never have when of flesh and blood, and that are the reason behind my having been known as being with wisdom greater than that of both Solomon and Jesus Christ; have fallen into the hands of the enemy that now would the only children I be known for be the bastards that the ignorant and the fool will never realise are the products of my having been raped — literally.

Abraham once was plundered of his property.

He pursued the plunderers, overtook them, and recovered his property.

David once was plundered of his property.

He pursued the plunderers, overtook them, and recovered his property.

I’m rather tired of everyone trying to give me the impression that life is a civilian zone. That’s the major reason behind most of the travails I’ve had in life. And that’s the major reason behind my being literally speaking today a captive in the hands of Christianity — I, along with my legitimate children.

Solomon has stated clearly that only the folly set in many high places will have a prince walk on foot like slave, whilst slaves are busy perched on high horses. Professor Wole Soyinka may not have read that part of The Book of Ecclesiastes before, but that one of the marauders plundering me out of all life could claim yesterday that Wole Soyinka referred to me as “that lunatic collared,” I am most especially glad that one of the authorities set in the many high places of this generation had me know — also yesterday — that, “We will deal with Soyinka for giving you such a low position.”

Not surprisingly, the authority was Caucasian. And the more I get to see the extent to which my life keeps on being plundered of me (with the plundering justified by the Christianity that would I “joyfully accept the plundering,” and that considers me then a villain because it sees that I do not) the more I thank my Creator that more people see clearly enough today to have a young girl refer yesterday to Jesus Christ as “Hatan.”

And the more also I enjoin those that have begun to see clearly enough to cry out with me unto The LORD, with the following words……..

May Christianity leave its name to Masculinism

for a curse,

and may The LORD GOD slay The Church

and the Yorubas

and the Ogboni.

Omen and Omen.


— Ikoro Iyineleda; 27th of August, 2021.



Ikoro Iyineleda
The Pride of Machismo Renaissance

writer, intellectual, chartered accountant - in view, consultant psychiatrist - in view, professor in Psychiatry - in the making.