Dear T

The Pride Zine
The Pride Zine
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2022

Dear TKay,

Words can’t describe how much you mean to me. Every morning I wake up grateful that I get to share my life with you in my corner.

Every day I’m thankful for the gift the universe has given me.

I’m grateful for you, I’m grateful for what we share, I’m grateful for the love that’s between us.

You, my dear are my greatest gift.

Your smile warms my heart.

Your laughter makes me smile.

Your eyes shine brighter than the stars.

Your face is the definition of perfection.

You’re extremely smart.

Too smart for your own good.

I love how my reading has improved because of you.

Your constant teaching has helped me.

Your constant care and support means the world to me.

I’ll never get tired of having you in my life.

I’ll never get tired of telling you about my day.

I’ll never get tired of telling you gist.

You mean the world to me.

Happy birthday my love, may the universe bless you. May you always smile. May good things come to you.

I want to always be beside you.

I love you so much

I wanted to make this longer sha.

I really hope your birthday will be filled with love and laughter and so much joy. I hope your life will be filled with joy and happiness. I hope you’re able to find peace. I pray you’ll be able to achieve your plans. I pray school doesn’t break you. I pray life doesn’t break you. Tkay, you’re a strong person. You’re stronger than whatever life throws at you. Take care of yourself T.


Mx. Bryne”



The Pride Zine
The Pride Zine

The Pride Zine is an online publication for and by queer Africans.