To Apollo

The Pride Zine
The Pride Zine
Published in
1 min readJun 8, 2022

To my favorite human

Apollo baby this is me trying to express my feelings with words and we all know how terrible I am at that do bear with me. We have been best friends for four years straight ewwww why would I say that on pride month, we have been best friends for four years gay. We’ve had our ups and downs our lefts and rights. I would be nothing without you. You have taught me what true friendship is like and I will always love you for it. You are always there to catch me when I fall and trust me with my terrible decision making skills that’s a lot of falls. You are someone that I want to be beside me when I’m happy and when I’m sad. I want to share every experience with you. I love you so much. Words cannot describe how much I love you. Thank you for everything. I hope that we continue to be besties forever and give the girlies more content to gossip about. Happy Pride my baby. Keep being the amazing person you are



The Pride Zine
The Pride Zine

The Pride Zine is an online publication for and by queer Africans.