
The Pride Zine
Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2021

If I had to do it all again, I’d do all the same things, but faster.

I want to tell you about the day I met the love of my life, the person I cherish most in the world (after my niblings of course).

It was an ordinary day, I had to go to school to fill some forms that I really could have just filled online. But this is Nigeria, so they had to be filled physically. I want to roll my eyes at how technologically dense this country is, but I wouldn't have met her if we could fill the forms online.

I don’t believe in God, but if there is one, she definitely planned this day perfectly.

I ran into a very helpful soul who helped me figure my way around the day’s chore and when we were about to leave, she mentioned that we would meet up with her friend.

I did not like this friend at first, she looked weird, but I could tell that there was something about her I wanted to get acquainted with. I looked into her eyes, heard her speak, and even though I did not remember her name, I didn’t forget her.

We exchanged numbers so she could send me the pictures we took (she never sent them, didn’t even have the decency to text me 🙄). I assumed I’d never see her again.

Then I moved into my hostel and there she was, in the bunk across from me. It would take a couple of years for me to recognise that my feelings for her weren’t just platonic, and a few extra months to become her girlfriend.

We’re not together anymore, but she’ll always be the one that got away.

