Brad Kevins: Underdog Story

Mac Hartman
The Prism
Published in
5 min readApr 9, 2015

Who is your favorite wrestler? There is a ton to choose from so rather it be Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, John Cena, Undertaker, or whoever it may be I got a new favorite wrestler for you. How about a guy who is half the age, size, and strength! Sound great right?! Maybe not, but how about one of the fastest rising stars in the mid-west and is one of the most technically sound wrestlers around? See wrestling isn't all about the size or the strength like any sport, it is about the heart you have in this business. It is about the blood, sweat, and tears that goes into it. And most importantly it is about protecting the other wrestler while entertaining the crowd and no one does that better than “Beautiful” Brad Kevins.

Brad Kevins is from Palos Hills IL. He is around 5 feet tall, and 100 something pounds like not what the average person thinks of when they think of a pro wrestler. The steroid days in wrestling are over and anyone with the determination can be a wrestler now. He comes to the ring as “Beautiful” Brad Kevins because his gimmick is a Hawaiian pretty boy. He comes out with a cute little leigh and necklace looking justlike the Fruit-Punch kid came to life or something! He is a small dude so alot of the times he is a baby faced underdog character the crowd can get behind because of his size. As a heel he can be the guy that all the girls want and the guy that all the guys hate. He is easy to hate when you look at his 6-pack! Or all the cheap dirty tactics he does in the ring. Also doesn't hurt that he has a mouth on him that can get him in a bit of trouble because of how good his microphone skills are. A great wrestler needs to have fantastic microphone skills to get the crowd invested in it, he also needs to have great technical skills in chain wrestling/wrestling in general, a memory to remember the spots, heart for the business, corporation to be able to work with your partners rather that be your tag partners or your dance partners you wrestle against, To be fit or know how to take a beating, and balls to do whatever is needed to get over. These are hard assets to find so wrestling is not for everyone but Brad literally has all those skills and will be a success one day in the wrestling industry mark these words!!!!!

One interesting aspect of wrestling is what it takes to prepare for your matches. Brad said and I quote; “Get in gear, wet hair, if I’m blown up the night before I take a 5 hour energy. I Stretch my lower body my thighs, calves, and legs. Lunges and squats are best to work these out with while listening to heavy music like A Day To Remember. You have to impress the crowd so tanning and shaving also go hand and hand with that.” Overall wrestling is tough and also takes hours of practice, studying matches, and making sure you are properly trained both as a wrestler and physically fit to do the stunts we perform. If wrestling was as easy as The Raw vs Smackdown video games everyone would be a wrestler.

Another question that gets asked alot from other wrestlers is what do you do for crowd reactions? In response to that he said quote; “As a heel, (bad guy)be narcissistic. Be the Best in the world and have the baby face (good guy) work for sympathy with the crowd by selling and using facial expressions. This is everything even as a heel when they kick out at 2 make it seem like it was impossible that it was a kick out.” Fans get excited and start chants and we have to get the crowd into it enough for them to do that.

Everyone typically asks what is the diet/working out process like on a daily basis? Not the best subject for all wrestlers considering wrestlers can be as little as midgets to giants over 7 feet tall 500 lbs. But for Brad he told me he sets his phone for a hour to get in the zone while he works out. He even said qoute; “don’t let anything distract you from the task at hand.” He also gave advice saying to “cut down on carbs and eat 6 meals a day. Drink skin milk and water instead of pop and beer. Also don’t do drugs.”

The number one question is ultimately why are you a wrestler? It is a question that every wrestler has a different answer for but as a guy who wrestles the smartest possible instead of brawn and no brains he likes the wrestlers that paved away for guys like him to become big time superstars in WWE. Brad’s favorite wrestler he told me wasn’t the typical answer like the ones I said before are who look like more of the stereotype image of a wrestler and that is the heart-break kid Shawn Michaels. “Saw a Raw that had a Shawn Michaels vs Randy Orton promo against each other and was hooked.” Other inspirations would be Edge, CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, and his Dad. Kevins is his stage last name, Sivers is his real last name and uses Kevins in honor of the bond he had watching wrestling with his Dad that has passed away.

In conclusion, where do you see yourself in 5 years was a question he did not really know but basically was telling me that he was only 19. He will be getting his associates from Moraine Valley soon in Marine Biology. Florida might be in his future because that would be great not only for his major but for wrestling as well since WWE has NXT there. (There training system you have to get through to be on tv.) We will see what the future will hold for Brad Kevins but one thing is for certain, the present looks pretty sweet with him on the cards.




Mac Hartman
The Prism

Salesman at Sprint/Student at Moraine Valley by day and wrestler by night at CSW/OWZ. Instagram MacHartman32