Emily Brace
The Prism
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2015


Chiquita not as “Green” as you think

Chiquita brand bananas bear the seal of the Rainforest Alliance to use “green-washing” techniques to produce more sales. President of the Water and Sanitation Health believes some bananas, such as Chiquita, mislead customers to believe they are green.

Many of the villages near Chiquita banana farms are facing health hazards due to the contaminated water supply from the pesticides used on the bananas. President of the Water and Sanitation Health, Eric John Harrison, firmly believes companies such as Chiquita bananas run green campaigns without actually going green and instead end up harming nearby residents.

The Rainforest Alliance seal has become a marketing ploy for people to consume more products that are presumably green and healthy for the environment. However, Harrison is led to believe that they are using this to their advantage and not helping the environment but rather harming nearby villages and contaminating water supplies.

Since I am starting to write about healthy foods in my blog it’s interesting to become aware of food companies and what they stand for. It’s good to know what companies are going green; you may just have to do a little digging to see how true they are to their word. Not only to we have to be aware of the foods we are putting into our bodies but also what is going into our environment.


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