How to eat like a Gorilla as told by a Vegetarian

Emily Brace
The Prism
Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2015

It makes sense that Martina Mansour, a student at Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, IL would pursue a career in nursing. Her passion for health and organic foods and what exactly goes into her body inspired her vegan lifestyle. Being two years vegan, she believes that not eating animals and providing her body with the nutrients it needs brings her closer to God.

When attending Olivet, she finds she can’t go without her veggies; she needs them to focus especially for those dreaded test days. Most days she’ll grab something quick to eat, mainly for going to the gym. At the gym, a banana or even a stalk of broccoli is her go to snack. It may look odd, but a lot of it makes sense. Raw veggies make her feel young everyday and you can get most vitamins, especially B12 from wheat grass.

Photo from Raw Wheat Grass Veggie Juice

This petite women eats like a gorilla, literally! Martina makes a green juice composed of spinach and stevia sweetener. Gorillas eat green plants and as Martina points out, “Gorillas are so big and strong and look what they eat, raw vegetables.” Raw foods are what keeps us healthy, focused, and feeling young. In fact, she only drinks goats milk because it is the only dairy that is not processed with no added hormones and is non acidic.

She explains how, compared to America’s food portions, Europe and Asia recommend that we eat half of what our portions are especially in terms of protein. Europe does not even accept foods that have been genetically modified (GMO’s). The meat industry is all about money, which is why Martina believes that they do not want us knowing that we can get protein from raw vegetables.

“Everything in moderation when it comes down to it in life.” Martina has found a spirituality aspect by eating vegan and keeping her body clean. Her choice to become vegan keeps her grounded and sticks to a natural diet over a processed one. She knows that processed foods including sugar lead to diseases like cancer and also aids anxiety and depression while contributing to the aging process. This twenty-six year old nursing student strives to live as healthy as can be by eating her raw vegetables and green juice every day. She is a young girl with a smart head on her shoulders. She balances nursing school, church, and her vegan lifestyle all with a smile on her face. She is passionate about what she does and what she eats and keeps herself grounded through God.

Martina Mansour

