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How to Reach Your Goals as an Easily Distracted Person

A pathway to success for the turbulent

Julia Horvath
8 min readDec 11, 2019


If you have the attention span of a puppy, you are not alone. Research has long shown constant distractions are fatal to productivity. If you are an easily distracted person like me you are basically doomed in a world where endless possibilities, notifications and constantly flashing phone screens are the norm.

For a long time, my days as a solo entrepreneur went somewhat like this: My mind ran high on all the ideas I wanted to put into action and my alleged freedom to be the boss of my time.

This was reinforced by the constant distractions of working online which left me in a state where I was never able to settle for clear goals (What if there’s something even better I could do?), let alone follow through on anything I started.

After a year of a steep downhill ride of my energy and finances and no tangible results whatsoever to show I decided it was time to bring some order into the chaos.

The following tips are the results of my experiments with productivity and time management. I am a highly restless, often nervous person and this is what helps me get things done nevertheless.

Today, a year later, I have four income streams which add up and work…



Julia Horvath
The Pro-Crastinator

I run The Self-Letter: 1 weekly email with powerful ideas to help you get to know yourself better and cultivate self-awareness.💡✨