Chapter 1: Over and Over, Forever

A serialised novel

Ben Human
The Pro Files
Published in
4 min readJul 15, 2022


Introducing my novel, I Love You, We Said. Get it on Amazon or read it here on Medium.

> Ch 2 >

We’d known each other just six months, Jessica and I, so the trouble between us only really hit its stride on the morning of our wedding day.

Photo by Marc A. Sporys on Unsplash

It was going to be a filthy summer’s day, that first of June Year of Our Lord 2002; the Queen’s Golden Jubilee weekend celebrations helpfully providing the public attention vacuum we needed to prise open a last-minute gap in the Ealing Broadway Registry Office schedule. My bride looking comelier than ever — flashing eyes, flashing smile, damp patches sexily rounding the under-arms of her sleeveless gown, our baby forming in her belly…

My one job (besides showing up): to bring her beloved Bee Gees Their Greatest Hits Double CD Compilation along to the ceremony, so we could exchange our vows to the fervent entreaties and crass insinuations of “How Deep is your Love”.

The Registrar pressing “Play” and “Stop” on the portable stereo, if you’ll permit me the sad and distressing visual.

You see how it is.

How was I meant to get and stay married to someone who liked the Bee Gees? Who understood…

