Mr. Human Quizzes Ms. Earthling

A photo-filled chat

Normal Earthling
The Pro Files
8 min readMay 25, 2023


Cocoa Dreams by N.E. via Dream app.

I’ve been a loyal Ben Human groupie since… well, when did he appear here in Mediumland? His raw authenticity is the sort I am drawn to read. One can easily fall into his stories. I recall reading his story Two Town Trek, and finding myself walking along with him, savoring the eloquently non-American English, the type that just slides off of a tongue delighted to learn a new phrase.

Anyways, now that I’ve gotten my long-winded ramble outta the way, we best get to the point, eh? Ben Human broke protocol to interview me, a decidedly very not-real writer, but rather self-described devourer of words, to interview for his pub, The Pro Files.

The exclusive, unabridged results follow, with Mr. Human’s words in bold.

You have said before that Medium was better before writers were paid. Why do you say that? Better for whom? And how did that work?

Authenticity. Instead of it being all about “building your audience” it was about truly appreciating what others wrote and supporting each other. Most writers were also avid readers. The community was the point.
Writers wrote from their heart, how and what they wanted to. No worries about proper eye-catching titles or this new popularity clique called Boost.
In a paradoxical way, writers are more stifled and slave to the metrics that actually bettering their trade.
Today’s Medium mantra is “writing about how to make money on Medium will earn you the most money.”
Just the thought of my bookshelves being full of that regurgitated crap makes me nauseated. Medium of today seems to stifle creativity. Most Mediumites I follow and enjoy reading today aren’t here for the money. They are here because writing is in their bones. They can’t not write.
Let’s be honest here, writing on Medium is not and never will be a lucrative job that consistently pays the bills. That was never the point!
Now, that being said, I am thrilled with the tip-the-writer option, and use it regularly.
Looking forward, I’d love to see a Medium books-for-sale tab, where I could browse all the published works by category and such, with links to where to purchase. It would be a great way to find actual authors among the AI bots.

This is not what I come to Medium for. Photo by N.E.

You’ve also said you’re a reader first, but I’ve seen some incredible writing from you.

Yeah. I’ve had many a teacher over the years say that. I guess I’m not a writer in the sense that I have no desire to write for a living. It’s just an occasional hobby; one of many.

Part of N.E.’s journal of writing prompts, an assignment graded in a creative writing class her senior year of high school.

What do you think is the ideal read-write balance? It’s obviously different for different people, no?

Yeah, I’d say it’s what one personally wants to glean from Medium. I do think any writer who truly wants to hone their craft needs to read. A lot. From many different authors and Mediums (no pun intended). It’s a great way to expand one’s vocabulary and writing style. Also, most importantly, to widen one’s imagination and possibilities. Reading takes an author out of their box and into other worlds and points if view.

Young N.E. reading with a friend, circa 1978. Family photo.

What do you have planned for your writing?

Planned? Ha! I tend to write rather spontaneously.

It’s a shame Medium took away the ability to see all comments by members. There used to be 4 tabs on each person’s page: latest (stories), recommends (like lists today), highlights (what they have highlighted), and responses (comments). At times I write quite a rambling comment, that back in the day actually got more reads and hearts (it was 💚s back then, not 👏s) than several of my stories. Now my spontaneous tales are rarely noticed. Not that I really mind, but most of my close friends here got to know me via my frequent comments.

What the upper part of N.E.’s page use ta look like. Notice the tabs one could click on. (screen grab courtesy of the Wayback Machine.

If writing is not something you care to regiment or develop or force, has that influenced how you see Medium?

Na. I mean, how I see it is undoubtedly different than most. That’s rather a given in life.

I’m all about supporting and cheering on writers here. And making connections. Learning about others. I’ve traveled the world through the eyes of friends here.I made cocoa rice and wrote about it with a deep thinker from Korea (who is sadly no longer active). 3AM chats with dear friends in India. Random comment trains about dancing naked in the dark with activists around the states. I’ve suffered and mourned losses as well as rejoiced in the triumphs of ones from around the world. All by being an active member here.

In my eyes, that’s priceless; it’s what being a human is all about. That’s what I get from being here, anyway.

Medium helps to satisfy my need to mentally travel around the world. Airline spoon photographed by N.E.

What’s your advice to writers? What should they use Medium for and how?

Oh my. Well, it seems many here now are all about getting paid. I wouldn’t even begin to think I know anything about Medium’s algorithm and how to maximize payouts.

I’d say use Medium how you want to.

I’ve read some pretty mean articles stating that any who have more followers than they are following are rude jerks. Guess that’s me, eh?

And several relatively newcomers are personally attacking us small fry for being ourselves. They are convinced their way of using Medium is the only way, and any who don’t are to be trolled.

Don’t be that person. If you’re here to write, write. But please, refrain from writing whole articles putting down others here.

Anyone can spew insults and criticize. The world’s full of that. Be supportive. Upbuilding. It’s much easier on the blood pressure anyway.

A typical passage from the Ultra-Secret Medium AI Bots & Algorithm Manual™. Don’t be a troll or bot! I’m beggin’ ya! (Photo by N.E.)

I’m inviting myself over to your house to check out your collection of indie works and banned books. What’s that about?

You know those images of a room filled with books, with the cool rolling ladders along rows of shelves? I’ve dreamed of having such a room since as far back as I can remember. With a sunlit window seat, and cats lying about.

Sadly, with each of my life’s upheavals, it’s my beloved books that get lost or left behind.

So once again I’m starting over.

I’ve found a most useful app, Reading List: Book Tracker, that I use to keep inventory. Almost 600 books so far.

That’s 5 full 5-shelved bookshelves. I’ve got tons of memoirs, my favorite read as of late, but am also making it my mission to buy all recently challenged and banned books. I’m currently reading “All Boys Aren’t Blue” and loving it. Top rate memoir.

I also support fellow Mediumites by buying their works. Some of the best I’ve read! Someday I’ll have to write about those books. Probably have over 30.

I’ve organized my shelves using the Dewey Decimal system. I encourage my kiddos to read any and all that interest them, and it brings me much joy to see them doing so.

N.E.’s library thus far…

Want to share something about your personal life?

Don’t I do that enough here?! My life story, abbreviated, is found on my pinned About Me page.

N.E. during her feed-me-like-I’m-a-cat stage.

Who do you admire most of all? No family, Medium friends or career inspirationistas, unless it’s a damn good story.

I spent days pondering over this question. And I’m truly drawing a blank. My consciousness gleans the qualities I most want to emulate for all beings and objects (from humans to fungi to the cosmos to quarks) and lumps them all together.

A visual, provided by a quite young N.E. forgetting to forward her camera’s film.

Have you ever fallen in love with an idea, a fictional world or character, or someone you dreamed?

Fallen in love with? Eh. I’m an old scatterbrained pile of bones. I’ve left falling in love in the rear view mirror. By the time the childhood me discovered falling in love, Real Life had put the fantasies and youthful worlds of my imagination into memory’s vault.

Amused by? Definitely. Perhaps my cynicism has just won out over my fantastical hopes.

The last time N.E. dared to fall in love. Old post of hers, courtesy of the 2017 Wayback Machine.

Are you political? Or is politics just something that happens to us sometimes, like with Dylan in his folk era? A practical vehicle that serves a purpose and is then upcycled? Is this one of those times, to be political?

I’m pro-people. If I can assist someone in need, I will. Politics divide. I’d rather problem solve. Speaking up and promoting the rights of all people everywhere.

It gets a bit depressing and overwhelming even trying to look at what politics has “accomplished.” Wars. Famines. Genocides. Divisions of class, gender, race, religion, culture… on a constant rinse and repeat cycle.

One life at a time. One good deed at a time. Volunteering. Working to better my local community. Educating others. Expanding knowledge. Teach by example. Kindness and unconditional acceptance go a long way. I’m a bridge builder, one human at a time.

N.E. (with young Caleb) and Paul Wellstone, circa 1996. Paul lost his life in a plane crash the day I gave birth to my daughter Nora in 2002. It’s nice to see the Minnesota of today continuing in his dream of treating all humans as, well, humans.

What, if anything, do you think is the duty of America in the world, or is America’s duty to Americans only?

America? Eh? Do you mean the 50 states constantly bitch-slapping each other?

A country’s government is a (tree-killingly vast) pile of documents that imagine and create divisions and disputes for generation after generation.

I’m an Earthling. As Earthlings, we all have a duty to assist each other and take care of our only home. Once either the human species or the planet are beyond salvaging, of what good are any of these man-invented godships? The universe will carry on. In the big picture, Earth is but a micro-dust bunny.

Photo by N.E. entitled Portrait of the United States of America

