Oh I Am*

In awe of the one self

Ben Human
The Pro Files
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2024


Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash

I acceded to union
to be more like the others
who roundly confounded
and up and disowned me,
and I had to get back
to be nobody else
and not try
not to be
so weird.

When you’re asked
what shape that cloud is in
there’s a calm in your head
or there’s doubt.
But you’re absolutely right
not knowing who’s right,
it’s not a game
one need care
to win.

I have a third eye
and second sight,
and am less interested
in what something looks like
past the age of 7
than in what it is
— and no, not might be either.

Labour not
under the mistaken assumption
that anything
is very like anything else;
Turn it over and inspect it
in your mysterious hand
for its own occult self.



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