Some say stop beating up on late-stage capitalism.*

Part 1 in a 3-part series on capitalism and corporate behaviour

Ben Human
The Pro Files
Published in
7 min readOct 4, 2024


Money — it’s the granddaddy of all the important battles fought and won throughout the ages. Bigger, much bigger, than the ones against racism, fascism, patriarchy, class, you name it.

And to the extent that any of those haven’t been won entirely, is it not money that’s behind it, each and every time?

Photo by Alev Takil on Unsplash

And when it doesn’t have a cause to bank-roll, isn’t the death of money that exists and labours purely for its own sake a bigger and more enduring cause than all of these put together?

Yes, is the answer. Bigger than all that came before it, and all that dares to come before it now.

Money’s not your friend

That’s really the bottom line here. You and I aren’t winning. The house wins; it always does. The rich get richer, and you and I literally get poorer by many means, all of them by design — for example, through the obvious mismatch between inflation and wage increases.

We work longer hours, have fractionally more jobs, get ever less protections in a burgeoning gig economy, and face ever more competition through globalisation and automation. All the time.

