Spammed Bots & (possibly well-meaning) Dumb Shits

…feeding my shit to the AI wolfrats

Ben Human
The Pro Files


Photo by Maximalfocus on Unsplash

Hey etc.

Short note to all the above that I’m on to you and humanity is one step closer to knowing what to do about you. Quake.

It occurred sometime now-ish that present levels of intelligence among the AI fraternity and apologists are Not High, i.e. still high enough to beat humans at the game of stealing our shit.

Here’s what you’re up to:

  1. AI spambots or sympathisers are infiltrating our comments and leaving Grade 6-level remarks on our stories.
  2. AI spammed bots are infiltrating our following and subscribing to our mails.

Now why would AI or its stooges do something requiring work and leading to them being spammed with content they will never understand? Well, that’s where it gets a bit almost clever.

A while back Tony ran a poll. If Medium sold your content to the AI barons, would you:

  • Like it and come back for more?
  • Opt out and forego the extra search traffic?
  • Leave Medium?

For the record, I’d leave and devote my life to destroying writing platforms.

