1. Homelessness in Milwaukee

Amanda Patterson
The Problem With Homelessness
1 min readMay 5, 2020

The Problem With Homelessness is

1 in 4 community members in Milwaukee lives in poverty.

Each night, approximately 1,000 people sleep on the streets.

33% of children live below the poverty line.That’s more than 50,000 children.

The Problem With Homelessness is that

Many of us are blinded to it and we don’t realize how many of our neighbors could be struggling.

Milwaukee is the third poorest city in America, with extreme rates of poverty and homelessness that have lasted for years and will likely continue for many more.

The Problem With Homelessness is that

There is a detrimental stereotype for what it looks like.

All people experiencing homelessness are uneducated, an addict, black. Right?


That person you see on the street isn’t a monster or a bum, they’re a person who has likely had more downfalls in life than they can probably even count.

In this publication, I hope to teach my readers something new and provide a bit more insight about what homelessness looks like, specifically in Milwaukee.

My hope is that you take something from this and it makes you think. And hey, if I’m lucky, maybe you’ll feel inspired too.

statistics courtesy of the Milwaukee Rescue Mission.

