Welcome to The Process

Twenty-somethings striking out into their professional fields process experiences and share their work.

Lucius Patenaude
The Process


The importance of process hit home in my 2D design class at college. My professor had the whimsical arty persona down pat. Most of my peers had no idea what he was saying half the time. Me neither. I didn’t really care if my design was a casual flinging or a chaotic flow. I admired his dedication to process. We would spend weeks completing random assignments that would build up to a final project. I didn’t understand why we were taking a hundred photos of still lifes or why we drew dozens of grid patterns. It made less sense as we drew grids on top of the photos. Yet as these illogical tasks were completed they gradually coalesced into another thing. When I turned in my final composition mounted and framed everything became clear.

I realized something looking back at my college career: my experience was not unique in any way. Sure, it was a new song but it mostly hit the same notes as the ones before it. Insecure freshman me regarded seniors with awe because they obviously had everything together. The years flew by as I scrabbled around trying to keep on top of homework and extracurriculars oblivious to any changes. Suddenly, I was the senior and I felt even less together than freshman year. And finally I was able to relate with the seniors that graduated before me.

Everyone goes through this experience in life continually. I don’t think we ever really make it. It’s a constant process of learning, succeeding, failing and learning some more. We look at people ahead of us, admire their accomplishments and envy their self-assured poise. All the while they are looking back, realizing what we are thinking and say, “I still don’t know what the crap I’m doing.”

‘The Process’ is here to capture me and my peers’ life learning experience. Maturing as adults. Overcoming obstacles. Accepting realities. Exploring our creativity. Struggling with work. Building relationships. Dealing with loss. Growing. It is a group of creative twenty somethings just starting out. We hope our voice will be an encouragement.



Lucius Patenaude
The Process

Filmmaker & writer. Born in Texas, grown in Thailand, currently in Nashville.