Equivalent Exchange

meghan johnson
The Process: Litizenship Excellence
1 min readFeb 8, 2016

I come to this class with empty hands, low expectations, and a caffeine habit that leaves me with shaky hands.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I have taken a class with track suit master Oliu before and my writing blossomed magnificently but I don’t really have an endgame this time around. I’m not afraid to wield my humor like a sword and I’ve ingested so many YA novels and feminist essays that I can clock a bad trope from across a state line. So I approach our rectangular table as a sponge; a way to just absorb the thoughts of the many writers around me. We are all so different in so many ways that I find it fascinating to just listen.

I keep submitting, we keep discussing. An exchange that goes back farther than time. We can track our writing heritage through authors that borrow and bounce ideas through other authors. We perform better in units and support systems. So, I guess my only goal in this class is to absorb as much as I can so I can better myself as a writer by taking in multiple viewpoints. Living multiple lives by just taking in what is around me through an outlet as great as the class that we have.

