Publication the Magic Dragon*

meghan johnson
The Process: Litizenship Excellence
2 min readMar 20, 2016

I know for writers publication is the long con; the long term goal that is at the top of a bright and shining hill where the sun is shining and the wine flows like milk and honey. I know that I want to be published in any way, shape, or form; even if it means a cool story I wrote just gets printed on the side of a Chipotle bag.

In this day and age, it is much easier to get published. E-books are a hot market, and I have read enough were-bear/badger/fox summaries via amazon to know that. So is publishing all it’s cracked up to be anymore? At some points I feel as though you have to have some global, record smashing, teen melodrama novel to be set in the same esteem of published authors past. But by that definition, what’s the point?

I can be the Devil’s advocate all I want, but we all know as writers that seeing our work in print, on a website we love, or interacting with an audience in any way is something we live and die for. It doesn’t matter how it gets there, and yes the road can be hard, and yes you will fail at some points, but the point is that you made it. I know I could roll into my grave happily even seeing my book posted up next to Were-bear 43: The Hibernation of Love because I did it, that is all me. I got my work out into the world and someone will read it, and that’s all I need.

So right now I am looking at different journals and outlets to submit my works. I haven’t found quite the right fit for me yet, but I know it is out there. I know for a fact I will get rejections at some point, but I am not going to let that fear stop me any longer.

*The title is a play on words. It is a bad pun on “Puff the Magic Dragon”, if you don’t know what that is; here. If you do, I wish I could say I was sorry but I laughed so it is staying.

