Writing Goals

Henry Barnes
The Process: Litizenship Excellence
1 min readApr 25, 2016

I’ll be blunt. My writing goals… well, they’re somewhat in flux. I will say that in 5 years, I’d like to be published — that is, have a novel of mine be published and available for the public to read. But… I’m unsure on my other goals right now. There’s a collab fanfic that I managed to kick off with some pals of mine online, and there’s many, MANY novel-or-series-or-longer fanfic ideas that I’ve got hanging out in my head, having java and wondering when they’ll be written. And there’s a few short story ideas that I get here and there.

I guess my current writing goals is GET SOMETHING ELSE DONE. So far, the only recent work I’ve finished is a collab with another online friend. Maybe over the summer I can get some writing done… the college schedule isn’t always kind to writers. Especially in “Dead week” (which is really a misnomer) and finals.

Honestly, my main goals are to keep myself active in writing. I managed to get something going with the one collab story I’ve finished. I just need to keep that streak going.

