Why This Publication Exists

Because I’m Procrastinating

Jerry Koh
The Procrastinator’s Handbook
2 min readNov 24, 2022


We’ve all been there.

There is work in front of us. There is something we have to do. And we know we have to do it.

But we are not doing it.

The Birth of This Handbook

This handbook is a product of procrastination, but also motivation. I want this publication to be a place for me (and you), to get hope and get moving.

I’m not supposed to be writing this. I’m supposed to be writing my Master’s thesis. But approaching a daunting task like that isn’t just about doing it. If “just do it” works, we would all already have done the things we should.

Procrastination is a very ingrained, deep-seated behaviour that probably all human exhibit. Its roots are extensively explored by psychologists and various writers because we all are battling this aspect of us that seems to be actively working against us.

And hopefully, through this publication’s growth and my own experience, it would be a resource for both you and me to soothe, rise, and overcome whatever barriers we have to do what we need to.

A Writing Practice

Writing is one of the best ways for me to clear my head. But I don’t do it as often as I should, and if you read any of my previous stuff before, you probably hear me say that a lot. Because writing is also one thing I procrastinate a lot on despite loving it so much.

If this publication goes silent. You know what happened.

Bingo. I procrastinated on writing and keeping this publication up.

Now that I have started writing this, I thought about what a dumb idea it is to start a publication for procrastination as a procrastinator because it just makes everything so much bigger and official, and might increase the scale of this personal writing project (this is one of the reasons why you procrastinate).

A Manifesto

This publication is going to share with you tips and tricks to combat procrastination, the science of procrastination, and personal reflection and experiences with procrastination.

I want this publication to be a guilt-free place for you to consume and read content. To be a place bereft of expectations, all the should’ves could’ves would’ves that we always tell ourselves.

This is a place to get hope and get moving. Because we all can do it.

Whatever it is that we want to do, need to do, promised to do, have a duty to do. We can do it.

That’s the creed of The Procrastinator’s Handbook.

See you soon.



Jerry Koh
The Procrastinator’s Handbook

Believer in change, acceptor of truth, but have yet to find them both.