Product Management — A Beginner’s Guide

Adithya Sailesh
The Product Bible
Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2023

What is Product Management?

Product management is an interesting discipline without a single accurate definition. The closest I have come across is as below:

“Product management is an organisational function that guides every step of a product’s lifecycle, including development, market launch and continual support and improvement, by focusing on the product and first and foremost its customers.”

Product managers collaborate closely with various teams, including engineering, design, sales, and marketing in order to ensure the product’s success.

Image from Lenny’s Newsletter

100 Key Product Management Terms

  1. A/B testing
  2. Acceptance Criteria
  3. Affinity Grouping
  4. Agile Methodology
  5. B2B
  6. B2C
  7. Behavioural Product Management
  8. Beta test
  9. Business Intelligence (BI)
  10. Business Model
  11. Buyer Persona
  12. Cannibalisation
  13. Churn rate
  14. Circles Method
  15. Conversion Rate
  16. CRM(Customer Relationship Management)
  17. Cross-functional team
  18. CTA (Call-to-Action)
  19. CTR (Click-Through Rate)
  20. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
  21. Customer Journey Map
  22. Customer Segmentation
  23. Data-Driven Decision Making
  24. Definition of Done
  25. Design Thinking
  26. Eisenhower Matrix
  27. End-User Era
  28. Engagement Rate
  29. Features
  30. Gantt Chart
  31. Go-to-Market Strategy
  32. Growth Product Management
  33. HEART Framework
  34. Hook Model
  35. Ideation
  36. Impact Mapping
  37. Iteration
  38. Jobs-To-Be-Done Framework
  39. Kanban
  40. Kano Model
  41. KPI (Key Performance Indicator)
  42. Lean Software Development
  43. Lifetime Value
  44. Market fit
  45. Market research
  46. Market share
  47. Metrics
  48. Minimum viable product (MVP)
  49. MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue)
  50. Mockup
  51. MoSCoW Prioritisation
  52. North Star metric
  53. NPS (Net Promoter Score)
  54. OKR (Objectives and Key Results)
  55. Opportunity Scoring
  56. PPC (Pay-Per-Click)
  57. Prioritisation
  58. Product Analytics
  59. Product Engagement Score
  60. Product Discovery
  61. Product Differentiation
  62. Product roadmap
  63. Product Requirements Document
  64. Product Sense
  65. Product Strategy
  66. Product Vision
  67. Profit margin
  68. Quality Assurance
  69. Retention rate
  70. Revenue
  71. RICE Model
  72. ROI (Return on Investment)
  73. SaaS (Software as a Service)
  74. Scrum
  75. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  76. Sprint
  77. Stakeholder Management
  78. Story Mapping
  79. Sunk Cost
  80. SWOT Analysis
  81. Technical Debt
  82. Top-Down Product Strategy
  83. Total Addressable Market (TAM)
  84. Turnover Rate
  85. UI (User Interface)
  86. Unique Selling Proposition
  87. Usability Testing
  88. Use Case
  89. User acquisition
  90. User experience (UX)
  91. User persona
  92. User research
  93. User stories
  94. Value proposition
  95. Vanity metric
  96. Velocity
  97. Voice of Customer
  98. Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF)
  99. Waterfall
  100. Wireframe

This is the first among a series of articles by Adithya Sailesh, aimed at consolidating the product management knowledge that I gained from my structured and otherwise learning journey and successful career switch from software development to product management that started over a year ago. The primary goal of this series is to help aspiring/beginner product managers by comprehensively covering all the essential fundamentals, making this leap a lot easier and fruitful.



Adithya Sailesh
The Product Bible

Delving into the intriguing new developments in product and tech, blogging about the same on the go.