Post-it Note To-do List

Simplify your to-do list and focus on one thing at a time.

William Bentley
The Productive Self


Does your to-do list actually make you less productive? I recently tested out a technique that helps people focus on one task at a time. So if your to-do list looks anything like this:

please read on.

Over the past week I have been using a stack of Post-it Notes® to create my to-do lists. This idea is in no way new, but I have only recently tried it out. The process is simple. Keeping the stack intact, write one task per note, with the most pressing task on top and go through the notes in descending order of importance. Work on the first task until completion. When you finish, tear off the note and move to the next until you go through your list. Do not leaf through the itinerary, just work on whichever task is on top.

Here is what I liked about this method:

  • The to-do list is confined to a 3" by 3" square. By creating a simple, organized task list, work is less overwhelming.
  • Focus on one task at a time is required. You don’t waste time moving from one thing to another and then back again.
  • Important tasks have a higher likelihood of being completed.

Tips for creating “Tasks”

  1. Make them actionable, use verbs. Instead of writing, “Customer quotes,” try, “Send out overdue customer quotes from yesterday.”
  2. Be specific. Avoid big picture plans. Break up broad tasks into smaller, specific ones. Don’t just say, “Contact Jim.” Say, “E-mail Jim and confirm tomorrow’s meeting.”
  3. Only list tasks that need to and will be done today. I find this technique is most helpful when it is used for short-term planning.
  4. Keep separate notes for time-sensitive events. When the time comes, move from your regular list to complete the time-sensitive tasks. See below:

If you’re looking for a way to take the guess work out of your agenda and you need to move from task to task fluidly, I would recommend giving it a try.

Have you tried this method? Tweet me @ProductiveSelf to tell me about your experience.

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