Stop Moving Your Target

It’s the journey not the destination

Michael Gebben
The Productive Self
2 min readJun 11, 2014


Target Practice. I’m not talking about the store. I’m talking about shooting, guns or anything like that. I’ll use an analogy of shooting guns. I don’t actually shoot guns but this analogy makes perfect sense and I’ve thought about this a lot. A lot of us out there have these goals. We have these dreams, these aspirations and we work towards them. We’re trying to achieve happiness. We’re trying to achieve this bliss in our life but the thing about it is every time we are getting close to our target, we move target. Maybe you achieve the goal but that goal’s just quite not good enough so you make the next thing. You tell yourself, “That’s gotta be it.” “That’s the right thing.” “That last thing I didn’t do, that wasn’t right.” We’re always changing the target. We’re always doing these things that make it so difficult to be happy.

I just encourage each and every single one of you today. Yes, it is about the journey. It is not about a destination because too many times we make it about a destination. We hit the destination and we’re like, “Really? That’s it? That’s all it was? Oh gosh, I made a huge mistake. I guess I need to try this other thing.” So you never end up happy because you can’t ever hit the target. You just keep moving it.

Make it about every day, just enjoying what you do, every single day just not taking it for granted… We’ve all had people that we’ve lost in our lives and we know that life’s fragile, that life’s short. Today, try to stop moving that target and realize that every day, you can enjoy. Every single day you can enjoy. Rock the day today!

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Michael Gebben
The Productive Self

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