Your Rules to Be HAPPY

What rules can you change in your life?

Michael Gebben
The Productive Self
2 min readJun 12, 2014


How many of you like rules? A lot of you might say I don’t really like having rules ‘coz I like living against the rules. I like to break the rules. But do you really? I wanna talk about the rules that we set in our lives that make it difficult to succeed, that make it difficult to be happy. For me, I used to have these rules that did exactly that. I felt that there are so many things to achieve before you can achieve happiness. You had to do this, this and this, then I can be happy. Sometimes, you just need to change the rules because you, as I’ve said before have the choice to make your rules up in your life the way you want them. You don’t have to make them so dog gone difficult.

Sometimes, we’ll say things like maybe we gotta go work out, “Well I’m gonna go work out. I’m gonna have to drive there. I’m gonna get cleaned up. I gotta bring a change of clothes. When I get there, I’m gonna have to take a shower. I don’t wanna take a shower at the gym when I’m there. Well, maybe I’ll just get to it next week.” We do all these things. We make so many things. For me, it’s just like, “I’m gonna work out.” That’s it. That’s all there is to it. You just do it. I know that sounds so simple. Sometimes things just sound like common sense but common sense is not always common practice. Sometimes, we just need to make it simple. Life doesn’t have to be so complicated.

Today, what can you do? What rules can you change in your life to just make things a little simpler, just a little easier? It can be. Remember, you have that choice to not make things so complicated.

So go out there today and change this one simple thing in your life that you know you’ve been putting a lot of rules up there to make it hard to achieve. Rock & roll my friends!

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Michael Gebben
The Productive Self

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