5 Strategies to Monetize Your Writing

Ken West
The Productive Writer
3 min readAug 9, 2022


Discover more ways to make money writing.

Image by PIRO from Pixabay

No matter how much time you devote to your writing, it makes sense to discover ways to monetize what you write.

Doing so allows you to write more, publish more, and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

For some, the ability to make money writing is their retirement plan.

Our focus now is on monetizing what you write.

There are myriad helpful writers who create free and paid resources offering actionable advice on writing and making money by writing.

Here are a few resources that you may find helpful (as I have):

“Not an Argument, but a Movement” by Don Watkins.

Watkins takes a wide-angle view of the writer’s mission that could help you redefine and amplify what you write about. I reread his brief advice often. It’s a good reminder of the potential power of your writing.

“When you specialize on a problem, you can do something more than make a persuasive argument: you can create a movement. And it’s by creating a movement that you can actually have an impact on the world.” — Don Watkins

“How To Create a Profitable Writing Business That Reflects Your Unique Personality” by Jon Brosio.

I’m not as familiar with Jon Brosio as I am with the other writers mentioned in this edition of Write for Your Life. I discovered this article only a week ago. His advice about who should be the focus of your writing is spot-on.

“You need to focus on your audience at all costs. Without an audience, without guiding them towards transformation — you have nothing.” — Jon Brosio

“How To Monetize Your Expertise: 6 Questions To Ask Yourself by Josh Spector. These are worthwhile and practical questions that can help you define what you intend to do. Spector also offers a plethora of actionable writing and business advice in his free “For the Interested” newsletter. His emails are always worth opening. I even save them.

“Don’t be fooled: It’s easier than ever to monetize your expertise, but it won’t happen overnight and without significant time and effort.” — Josh Spector

Finally, August Birch, who identifies himself as “a self-appointed email marketing expert for writers and creators.”

He offers a valuable free “Tribe 1K — 7-Day, Email Masterclass for Indie Creators and Writers.” It is well worth your time and effort. It continues to help me.

Beyond his free offering, I have purchased many of his “tiny-courses.” My only problem so far, is trusting myself to take his practical advice and get stuff done!

“List-building is critical for ALL indie writer-creators.” — August Birch

In fact, trusting yourself may be the hardest challenge you face when you write and eventually seek to monetize your written work.

Hopefully, the resources and ideas I share today and in our upcoming issues of this newsletter will help you write better, publish more, and monetize your written work.

In our next issue, I’ll share more useful resources. Feel free to offer your own insights, ideas, and resources you have found helpful.

Until next time, I offer a final resource — my LinkedIn article, If You’re a Writer, Be an Entrepreneur.

Image by Markus Winkler from Pixabay

