Mind-Expanding Content to Make You a More Successful Writer

Ken West
The Productive Writer
2 min readJan 16, 2022


No Matter Where You Are in Your Writing Journey

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

In our previous issue of The Productive Writer, I mentioned the great content about writing you can find on Medium.com. It’s also a place where you can post your own writing on every conceivable subject. So, let’s continue with some more great resources from Medium and other writing sites.

I mentioned many times, a book that rescued my writing ambition — The Right to Write by Julia Cameron.

There are many books on every aspect of writing and the writer’s life worthy of your consideration. Here’s an article from the Writer’s Republic, a publication within Medium: 10 Great Books That Every Writer Should Read by Flynn Hannan.

In addition to books, there are many useful writer’s blogs to help you on your writing journey. Here are 7 Top Writing Blogs That Every Writer Should Follow.

Gathering new ideas for your writing? You may find this next resource helpful:

How I Generate Completely New Ideas to Write About EVERY DAY by Jackson Zheng

If your ambition is to self-publish, here are things to consider in the ever-expanding world of self-publishing:

Top Self-Publishing Tips from Self-Published Authors

Highly Effective Self-Publishing Tips for Newbie and Veteran Authors

YouTube and other video and podcasting sources for authors can be a rich and stimulating resource from which to gain new perspective. Here’s one author you may be familiar with:

Lee Child, author of so many mesmerizing Jack Reacher novels did this short interview about starting his novel writing career: Writers on Writing: Lee Child on Starting Writing After 40

Writing is a solitary process, yet when you sit or stand at a desk to write, you join a vast fraternity of writers, famous and obscure through the ages. Here is a truly fascinating video showing writers and their writing desks.

When I watched this video, it brought home to me that I have joined this vast army of lone writers pursuing their art and their craft. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Finally, I offer you this information packed post from Josh Spector, someone whom I suggest you follow. He recently sent me this super-charged plethora of great writing advice and suggestions: How to Become a Better Writer.

Keep writing. And let me know what facet of writing and publishing interests you. Feel free also to let us know of any resources or practices that you have found most helpful.


Image by Markus Winkler from Pixabay

