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Overcoming Time Management Guilt

Sam Ripples
The Productivity Bible
5 min readMay 21, 2019


Train yourself to be a confident user of your time.

The way we use our time is incredibly important — we’re awake sixteen hours a day, so there must be a moment or two to pursue your goals no matter what your circumstance.

When you’re a productivity nerd like myself, just stealing moments isn’t enough.

You deal with TMG, a terrible disease where you constantly beat yourself up about how you’ve wasted all of your precious time and not done nearly enough with it. That’s not to be confused with TMJ, which you also suffer from, but causes you less grief than the former.

TMG = Time Management Guilt

Time Management Guilt can happen to all of us, especially in this insane “hustle” culture that we live in today. My struggle with mental illness has taught me a lot about slowing down and overcoming my baser instincts to accomplish things — it has also taught me to be gentle on myself when it comes to the pressure to “get things done”.

We’re not robots, no matter how good we are at establishing routines or thinking about complex concepts. There is no hack to not have emotions or eliminate the need for some “chill out” time.

The key, in my opinion, to overcoming TMG is to understand your motivations and then seek to tweak them to

