Don’t let them lie their way into Venezuela.

Ronald Gettys
The Progressive Edge
7 min readJul 8, 2019

You’d think that the news cycle now focusing on the Trump administration provocation of Iran would indicate that Venezuela isn’t a target for the blood thirsty, Neoconservative cronies in the White House. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case at all, and Venezuela is in more danger than you know. Even now as you’re reading this we’re just one incident from catastrophe striking all of South America. D.C. police and U.S. Secret Service agents even went as far as shutting off electricity to the Venezuelan embassy and barring the entry of food and water to activists inside in a display of cruelty before invading the embassy shortly after.

Russian and Chinese troops have shown no signs of leaving while politicians from both countries along with Cuba have been verbally sniping back and forth with the Trump administration, which may turn into literal sniping with the involvement of Erik Prince. For those of you unaware, Erik Prince is the founder of Blackwater, the mercenary organization and security firm famously known for committing every war crime and human atrocity under the sun in Iraq. And now he wants to do the exact same thing in Venezuela under the lethal business model of deploying soldiers of fortune to illegally overthrow democratically elected Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro the same way we did Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi.

It’s important that you learn everything important about the ongoing situation before the next Democratic primary debates where candidates will inevitably take their stances on the issue and bring the situation back into the spotlight where it needs to be discussed. Think that the mainstream media employed moderators and the “#Resistance” will be of any help with providing factual information? Think again. Rachel Maddow and the rest of the Russiagate conspiracy theorists have been looking for any possible scenario where they can goad Trump into directly attacking Putin or any of his allies. Jake Tapper even attempted to manufacture consent with a now deleted tweet that could’ve caused involvement of U.S. troops based on a lie. Tapper falsely claimed in the tweet below that the Venezuelan army under Maduro had been committing massacres of civilians before being corrected and told that soldiers brandishing blue armbands sympathize with Juan Guaidó, not Maduro.

The opposition leader himself even wears the same armbands

Venezuela has been a long time target of warmongers and those who have a fundamental misunderstanding of socialism, and that means they’re going to get hit with the most biased, slanted and nonsensical media coverage that will make Tapper’s tweet look like a small mistake in comparison. And it’s up to us to scream from the roof tops that the collective of the American people want no involvement in a war that will destabilize all of South America. That’s why you should know the main talking points used to justify the war, and how to shut them down.

Lie number one: “Nicolas Maduro is a brutal dictator and he should give up power to the opposition.”

Maduro has his failings he should answer for but we have no business in telling him that ourselves or deciding who should lead the country. Someone should tell that to Trump’s ally in Venezuela, the opposition leader known as Juan Guaidó. Guaidó is a violent right wing fascist who has been the forefront of every destabilization campaign in Venezuela since 2014, including riots that killed police officers and civilians alike. He cares so much for his people he kills them in the streets and embezzles money meant to go to victims of his wake of destruction. The way he procured his power? A recognition by Donald Trump through interim, one that ran out before March no less.

There’s no hilarious irony to be found in Trump’s remarks and claims of Maduro being illegitimate. Only irritation and embarrassment as he most definitely would not approve of Angela Merkel formally recognizing Nancy Pelosi as president. And he’d most assuredly be ramping up for war if Merkel or any other world leader quite literally called for the United States Military to overthrow him the same way he asked Venezuela to do to Maduro. The US acts as if they care for the people of Venezuela when they’ve given legitimacy to a violent man who aims to overthrow a president that won his election fairly as declared by observers from several other nations.

“Illegitimate” President Maduro with more than 50% of the vote.

Not to mention the constant blood libel of Maduro. What kind of brutal dictator would allow a man like Juan Guaidó to organize protests 100,000 people strong? Why hasn’t Maduro jailed Juan or worse? Why hasn’t Trump assisted Pope Francis with peace talks that he offered to mediate between both sides, and why doesn’t the Trump administration highlight that Maduro was holding peace talks that 80 percent of the country approved of in June last year? Trump with assistance from his blood thirsty cabinet once again pretend to be arbitrators for peace and order when they’re an enabler of chaos.

Venezuelan politicians have been plagued with attempted corruption and assassination at the hands of the United States for decades, and Maduro is obviously no exception. Juan Guaidó has no business wanting to be president when he’s proven to be violent, murderous and more likely to serve the interests of the United States over the people of Venezuela. And Donald Trump himself has no place calling an elected official “illegitimate” when he himself benefited from Gerrymandering and other dirty tactics in 2016.

Lie number two: “Maduro isn’t accepting aid!”

It’s a half truth at absolute best. Maduro isn’t accepting US aid, because Elliot Abrams is responsible for shipping it out.

When pressed by Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar to answer for his complicity in the Iran-Contra scandal, Abrams couldn’t give a proper response.

The man Donald Trump appointed to handle the crisis in Venezuela can’t even defend his own war crime accusations in front of Congress.

The Venezuelan government already intercepted a shipment of military grade weapons earlier this year from the US, and South America’s neighbors in the Caribbean faced a similar scare when 4 United States Military veterans were driving around in Haiti with a truck containing an arsenal full of unregistered weapons. It is imperative that aid does get to the people of Venezuela, but it’s also equally as important to highlight that this sowing of violence and widespread mayhem is a common practice with Abrams and the United States Military as a whole. This is why Red Cross and the UN told the US to not send aid at all.

Lie number three: “If not military intervention, we should employ economic sanctions.”

This is the most highhanded and asinine argument made in favor of intervention. The sanctions placed on Venezuela have killed more Venezuelans than Maduro ever has. 40 thousand since 2017. With assistance from the UK we also froze their gold assets, which has effectively crippled their economy. This is a form of economic warfare and terrorism, and an infuriating insult to the victims of 73% of the worlds dictators that we proudly support. Not to mention the fact that Donald Trump has given zero aid to Yemen and earlier this year voted down a bipartisan resolution in the face of the modern world’s largest humanitarian crisis perpetuated by Saudi Arabia, yet another one of our allies. One that we don’t bully like we are Venezuela despite their long list of human rights transgressions outside of Yemen.

Just like Iraq, we’ll destabilize the region. But the fallout will be much more deadly. Cartels will thrive like in Honduras and the immigrant/refugee crisis will further strain us. This quagmire is another example of how stupid it is to have the United Nations security Council made up of 5 member nations that are all at odds with each other. We’re already engaging Russia in 2 proxy wars in 2 separate countries on 2 separate continents. Ask yourself, do you really want to see the repercussions of adding a third one that will lead to direct conflict with 2 nuclear superpowers and the re-ignition of the Cold War? Do we really want to anger a whole continent of people directly below us by starting a war to install a puppet dictator?

If America truly cares for the people of Venezuela, why don’t they lift the sanctions and allow Russian and Chinese forces help the Venezuelan army stop the right wing terror cells in their homeland? These are all questions that should be pressed onto every politician that currently supports Trump’s efforts and every 2020 hopeful that expresses the same support in future debates. We have no right to overthrow Maduro and cripple an entire nation until we answer for our own crimes and hold our dictator “allies” accountable.

