Dr. Kermit Gosnell used by Fair Use photo by AP Corporate Comms

The Serial Killer Convicted In 2013 & The Fight to Inform America

Why did Hollywood and the Media desperately quash this macabre story?


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Were you aware that the most extreme serial killer in American history was arrested, tried, and convicted just this decade? Assuredly worse than Jeffrey Dahmer.

Most of America has never heard of the gruesome scene found in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 2010 or of the man sitting behind bars who created it.

You haven’t heard this sordid story because of the media blackout surrounding their unease about this man.

You haven’t heard about it because it involves minorities, refugees, the poor, infants, and a man who callously mutilated and killed minorities, the poor, and their infants, while the state turned a blind eye for decades.

You haven’t heard about it because it involves an abortion provider and murderer.


Dr. Kermit Gosnell was convicted in a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania courtroom in May 2013 of first degree murder in the deaths of three infants and involuntary manslaughter in the death of a refugee, Karnamaya…



Heather S. Wargo
The Progressive Edge

Italian American Writer in PA wilds. Gen X survivor attempting to climb shrinking narrow. Despite all my rage, still just a rat in a cage.