HSDA Summit 2019: A Great Success

100 incredible student activists. Several amazing opportunities. One life-changing event.

The Progressive Teen
8 min readJul 13, 2019


86 Summit attendees contribute to the success of the fifth annual HSDA Summit.

By Nina Faynshtayn (CT) & Divya Sood (PA)

The Progressive Teen Editor-in-Chief & Op-Ed Editor

ANOTHER YEAR HAS PASSED, and another successful Summit is in the books! From June 23rd to June 27th, 100 of the best teen activists from across the nation joined together for the fifth annual High School Democrats of America Summit. Even with diverse backgrounds, including students of various grade levels from the sunny shores of California to the bustling streets of Massachusetts, and different views (particularly on the current presidential playing field), we bonded through our shared values of progress, hope, and compassion for others.

Day 1 — June 23rd

Arriving gradually throughout the day, attendees checked in to their new home for the next few days: The George Washington University. Located at the heart of D.C., the location complimented the surging excitement among us. After settling in, greeting our amazing roommates and mentor groups, and taking in the sights around us, we departed on the annual monument tour. From the Lincoln Memorial to the Korean War Memorial to the MLK Memorial, mentor groups bonded with each other while exploring some of the most iconic sites in America. It was breathtaking. For Joanna Setow (MA), it was especially amazing, as she states “personally, Summit marked a lot of ‘firsts.’ It was my first time flying on an airplane, my first time in D.C., and the first time I felt like my voice actually mattered in this world.” Summit is the only time all year many of us are able to greet people from around the nation in an exchange of ideas and experiences.

(Courtesy of Molly Splicer)
(Courtesy of Molly Splicer)
(Courtesy of Eli Adkins)

Day 2 — June 24th

Attendees gathered for day 2 programming

The second day of programming was rigorous but exciting. Attendees gathered in a GW auditorium for leadership programming. This year, we were split into “local,” “state,” and “national” groups, so that our leadership training applied to our specific roles in HSDA, an innovative and much-needed approach to learning. Following this programming, we held our first-ever HSDA Internal Diversity panel. The diversity discussion brought about important points that we must consider as a new but expanding organization. The question looming on everyone’s mind was how can we make HSDA inclusive and accessible to all?

Attendees prepared for the Internal Diversity panel
Jason Lam interviewing Vanessa Cardenas

In one of the most exciting programming events of the day, attendees were able to meet with Mark Putnam, who is notorious for creating risky and interesting campaign ads for politicians ranging from the local to national level. Additionally, Vanessa Cardenas, National Coalitions Director of Vice President Joe Biden’s 2020 Campaign, presented her story and experience in politics.

Brennan Leach interviewing Mark Putnam

Topping off the already incredible day, attendees participated in a Mock Iowa Caucus, coordinated by two mentors from Iowa. Many of us were clueless. We knew Iowa was important but we had no idea how it worked. The most popular candidate in the caucus was Elizabeth Warren, followed closely by Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, and Joe Biden. We will never forget the walls rumbling with the chanting of “dream big, fight hard.” Eli Adkins (GA) enjoyed the Iowa Caucus, stating “I learned that you can’t categorize ‘Democrats’ as this set standard of thinking. Not all Democrats are the same, and it was amazing to see different viewpoints.” It was an exhilarating and educational time for all.

Day 3 — June 25th

Attendees started their day by participating in a follow-up to the previous day’s leadership track training and listening to Beth Clayton, the longest-reigning HSDA Mentor and National Committeewoman for the Alabama Young Democrats, share her strategies for organizing activists toward the advancement of progressive causes. We learned of “snowflake leadership” technique, which we can later apply in leadership endeavors, both within and out of HSDA.

Attendees then listened to Ty Matsdorf of The Messina Group, who shared his perspective on various issues flooding the political arena and the Democratic Party. They leaned on the edge of their seats, attentively clinging each and every word, with ripples of laughter materializing across the room quite frequently.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi addressing HSDA Summit attendees

Donned in formal attire and bustling with excitement, anticipation, and predictions of the congressional speakers, Summit attendees eagerly then went aboard the signature Washington D.C. Metro to Capitol Hill to participate in the informational tour of the Capitol and listen to congressional speakers. The following speakers addressed the HSDA Summit delegation: Sanford Bishop (GA-2), Donald Payne Jr. (NJ-10), Jahana Hayes (CT-5), Mark Takano (CA-41), Lizzie Fletcher (TX-7), Paul Tonko (NY-20), Conor Lamb (PA-17), John Yarmuth (KT-3), Mark Pocan (WI-2), Deb Haaland (NM-1), Jon Tester (Senator from Montana), Doug Jones (Senator from Alabama), and Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the House). The members of Congress who addressed Summit attendees echoed similar sentiments about the progress Democrats have made since 2016 and the importance of youth activism in the political scene, sprinkling in their personal jokes and experiences, eliciting applause and laughter from Summit attendees. Attendee Luke Udell (CT) recalls the excitement he felt when Jahana Hayes, a congresswoman from his state, spoke: “Her talk was very personal to me because I could relate to the issues she spoke about.”

Inspired and energized, attendees departed from the Capitol, took group photos on the Capitol’s historic steps, and indulged in a delicious dinner at Hunan Dynasty, a favorite of many members of Congress. The night was closed with a celebration of attendee Edward’s birthday with cupcakes and singing.

Members of 2018–19 HSDA National Staff assemble on the steps of Congress.
Attendees gather together following a successful day at the Capitol (Courtesy of Eli Adkins)
TPT Editors, Nina & Divya, on the Capitol steps, signing off a successful TPT year.

Day 4 — June 26th

Wednesday commenced with the announcement of HSDA award recipients and 2019–20 HSDA National Executive Board candidate presentations and elections.

HSDA Award Recipients:

  • HSDA State Chapter of the Year: Pennsylvania High School Democrats
  • HSDA Local Chapter of the Year: Northampton High School Democrats of Massachusetts
  • HSDA Member of the Year: Harry Brussel of New York

HSDA National Executive Board 2019–20 Election Results:

  • Chair: Jack Greenspan, New York
  • Vice Chairwoman: Haritha Kumar, California
  • Vice Chairman: Jackson Humphreys, Massachusetts
  • Communications Director: Sabrina Schoenborn, Pennsylvania
  • Programs Director: Prescott Herzog, New Hampshire
  • Development Director: Hasan Ali, Pennsylvania
The newly elected 2019–2020 executive board of HSDA!
HSDA Summit attendees enthusiastically express their support for the Democratic Party at the congressional baseball game.

Day 4’s leadership programming comprised of “Organizers of Today and Tomorrow” (Neera Tanden of The Center for American Progress), “A Global Outlook” (Jeff Prescott of UPenn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement), and “Reproductive Rights in America” (Leila Abolfazli of National Women’s Leadership Council). After an enriching but exhausting series of programming, Summit attendees sported their Democratic Party gear and headed over to the Nationals Stadium for the annual Congressional Baseball Game for Charity to support the Democratic Party team. Attendees eagerly accepted the complimentary baseball game merchandise, which included t-shirts, baseball gaps, signs, phone chair holders, and more, and continued to socialize in a more informal setting. They were addressed by Representative Marc Veasey prior to the start of the game and spotted Congresswoman Deb Haaland, one of the previous day’s speakers, on the way out.

(Courtesy of Brennan Leach)
The Democrats retweeted High School Democrats of America watch party post

The day did not end there! The attendees eagerly then assembled in George Washington District House to watch the first round of the 2020 Democratic Party presidential debates — the prevailing topic of conversation over the past few days. Bursts of laudatory snaps, cheers, and laughter rippled across the room as attendees enjoyed pizza, snacks, and drinks provided by the DNC. “I usually watch debate[s] at home with my family, but this was different because it allowed me to see my peers supporting their chosen candidates and helped to facilitate discussion and inspire interest for working with [the presidential] campaigns afterwards,” reflected Udell (CT).

Day 5 — June 27th

With tearful goodbyes, exchanges of contact info, and the knowledge that we made memories to last a lifetime, attendees gathered their belongings and headed back to their states. We are now prepared for a strong year of organizing, advocacy, and success. The conversation on diversity doesn’t stop. Neither does the conversation on effective leadership and organizing.

Attendees departed — invigorated, inspired, and filled with ideas for making change. We will always remember the inside jokes, including “if you don’t do it for me, do it for Jason” and the “rigged” chants. After everything, this was an experience unlike any other. “Attending HSDA Summit 2019 was something I was looking forward to all year, and it did not disappoint. The opportunity to interact, exchange numbers, and converse with other politically active high school students was an unforgettable experience,” expressed Saroor Dhanju (PA).

The outgoing HSDA National E-Board — Jason, Ariana, Talat, Brennan & Anne — at the Lincoln Memorial

Thank you to the outgoing HSDA National E-Board — Jason, Ariana, Talat, Brennan, and Anne — for their hard work, dedication, and contributions to HSDA from the last day of 2018 Summit to the last day of 2019 Summit!

For more photos, check out #HSDASummit on Instagram.

Follow us on Twitter at @hsdems and like us on Facebook. Send tips, questions and applications to nfaynshtayn@hsdems.org. The opinions expressed in TPT pieces do not necessarily reflect the views of High School Democrats of America.

