HSLA Reflection

High School Democrats of America
The Progressive Teen
2 min readJul 14, 2013

By Jordan Cozby (Alabama)

Attending the Young Democrats of America’s High School Leadership Academy (HSLA) was one of the best experiences of my Summer. Needless to say, during a non-election year, young Alabama Democrats don’t have much in the way of a political schedule. When I heard about the program, I was very enthusiastic to apply and even more excited to learn I was accepted.

Now that I’ve just completed the program, I couldn’t be more glad I had the privilege to attend. Throughout the four days of HSLA, we were immersed in the world of politics. HSLA brought together over 60 students from 30 States across the nation. I met amazing people I hope to work with for years to come. The program featured much of iconic Washington D.C.; from famous restaurants like Ben’s Chili Bowl, to a moonlight tour of the Capital’s monuments, to the inner workings of our Government — we got to see it all. We also were briefed on the major issues in Washington today, such as immigration reform, gun-violence prevention, environmental protections, and many others. Most exciting of all was meeting some of the most famous elected officials in the Democratic Party. We met House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Governor Martin O’Malley, Congressman Tim Walz, Congressman Ben Ray Lujan, and Senator Elizabeth Warren.

The HSLA gave me the tools to promote change and progress in Government. I cannot wait to take my experiences back home and work to better my community. I would recommend this program to anyone who wants to have a future in politics and make a difference in the world.



High School Democrats of America
The Progressive Teen

We are a nationwide network of students dedicated to advancing the ideals of the Democratic Party. Support us: bit.ly/givetohsda