The Future “Berns” Bright

Bernie Sanders’s campaign changed the voice of the American people

Bennett Stillerman
The Progressive Teen
3 min readJan 20, 2017


Former presidential nominee Bernie Sanders at the Democratic National Convention (Mike Segar/Reuters)

By Bennett Stillerman

The Progressive Teen Staff Writer

BERNIE SANDERS, A FIERY INDEPENDENT FROM VERMONT, was a dark-horse candidate for the Democratic Party nomination during the primaries. Starting with just 2.9% approval ratings in February 25th, he rose to a peak of 44% in April 2016. It is safe to say that the lovable populist with crazy hair and a Brooklyn accent won the hearts and minds of a great deal of Americans. Despite losing the nomination to Mrs. Clinton, he still remains a relevant force in the political sphere.

So, what’s next?

The old man hasn’t quit yet. Since his defeat, he has published a book entitled “Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In.” The book focuses on the campaign: his personal experiences, triumphs, defeats, and the many people who made it all possible. But it has a striking message of change — The revolution has just begun. And he’s not alone. The first step to any conquest is to raise an army, and he has done just that.

Immediately following the closing of the primaries, Sanders put his eyes on the future. He issued a message: the time for progressive politics is now. This call roused the support of thousands of young Bernie supporters across the nation to run for office. Like Howard Dean and his 50-state strategy, Sanders intends to encourage ordinary men and women from every county, city, and state to run for office and enact change. Real change. The kind that doesn’t come from a shill in a three-piece suit. People heeded the call, and almost 7,000 of his supporters signed up to run for office according to his campaign. Through his campaign, Bernie has assisted thousands of young political activists to take charge. These “Berniecrats” come from all levels of government, even to the top of the DNC. One such Berniecrat is Keith Ellison. Ellison was the first Muslim to be elected to Congress, and Bernie himself has gone to bat for him by assuring that he will bring the change that is needed to the DNC. His influence in other elections across the nation is undeniable and powerful. Following Sanders’s endorsement, Ellison gained widespread internet popularity. Bernie’s influence on elections is undeniable and powerful, and it is certain he will continue to use it.

Sanders was never a quiet senator. Even during relative anonymity, he took pleasure in calling out Republicans and Democrats alike in apparent corruption. There is no sign he is going to stop now. From bringing in a giant version of a Trump tweet to slamming Betsy DeVos’s apparent unqualified nature, he refuses to be a quiet force in the Senate. The fight for Obamacare has given him a lot to talk about, and he has emerged as a powerful voice for the Democratic Party in favor of saving healthcare for millions of Americans. He truly wants what is best for the American people. Following election day, he did what no other liberal Senator would do and promised to work with Trump for a better tomorrow. His willingness to work with the other side is a testament to his undying love for America and its people. He also issued a warning saying that if Trump dared harm anyone, then he has another thing coming. Bernie has bark and bite when it comes to Senate politics, and intends on using his progressive voice for real reform despite a Republican majority.

When he faced defeat for the Democratic nomination, some worried that he would fade into irrelevance. They urged him to go home while he still could; that people didn’t like him enough. But Bernie didn’t listen, and continued fighting for his political revolution — Our Revolution.

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Bennett Stillerman
The Progressive Teen

Communications Director — NC Teen Democrats, Staff Writer — The Progressive Teen