Welcoming First Dogs Major and Champ Biden

Sophie Araten
The Progressive Teen
3 min readJan 5, 2021

By Sophie Araten: The Progressive Teen Staff Writer

President Trump is only the second president in US history that has not had a pet (the only other being James K. Polk). Some of his more presidential predecessors have had horses, dogs, cats, and even a few alligators. (My personal favorite was John F. Kennedy’s pony named Macaroni). Let’s take a look at all of these presidential pets. I’m warning you, there are some very interesting ones!

If we’ve learned one thing from the Trump presidency, it’s that a president needs a pet. Period. Having a pet is proven to reduce stress and make you happier in general. Pets can improve your mood, boost your self-esteem, and make you less lonely. Maybe Trump wouldn’t be as big a bully or throw twitter tantrums as often if he had a special companion to make him feel better. You never know but you can wish. Pets make us better people, and it is quite telling of Trump and his presidency that he does not have a White House pet. Interpret this information as you may, but the fact of the matter is that Trump is only the second president that has not had a pet.

Millions of people can’t wait for Joe Biden to be sworn in as the 46th president of the United States and replace Donald Trump on January 20. While many might not admit it, perhaps a small part of the reason for their excitement is that they’re anxious for a return of animals to the White House! The arrival of the Biden family’s two beautiful German Shepherds, Major and Champ, will mark the return of pets to the White House after a long four petless years. Major and Champ, we are so excited to welcome you as first dogs!

