Dawn of the DARQ Age

Muskan Puri
The Project Team
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2020
The DARQ Age is here!

In today’s time, going digital isn’t enough to make you stand out from the tremendous competition everywhere. The current post-digital era is what we refer to as the ‘golden age’ for technology. I most certainly believe that it’s time for the D-A-R-Q (Distributed ledger technology, Artificial intelligence, extended Reality, and Quantum computing) Age.

In Distributed Ledger Technology, the database is contained and updated on it’s own, by individual nodes in a particular network. It provides the structure for new technologies like Blockchain and cryptocurrency, and hence it enables the controlling of data and transactions in ways, which seemed impossible in the past.

Artificial Intelligence reaches out to many organisations to analyse enormous data which enables them to make processes more rationalized and efficient. The ability of automating analysis and tasks, lets them carry out data-based decisions which not only allow for higher quality products but for better efficiency too.

Realising Extended Reality which comes down to XR, includes all the real and virtual environment, produced and carried out by a computer tech, including wearable devices. Many of us are always in search of new and extraordinary ways to experience and interact with the world and beyond perhaps. This technology allows us to completely go into adventures like Virtual Reality games and also training programs.

The era of Quantum Computing, allows us to perform operations on data, billion times faster than usual. It’s going to allow computational problems that used to be impossible to solve, to be simply solved! It’s the latest one among the DARQ technologies, which could be the reason of its obscurity.

There’s not much of a precise way for us to actually know when the digital age will literally end and the DARQ age sets about. Nevertheless if we wait much long before we start to traverse the DARQ technologies, it might end up becoming a gamble on how fast we can actually catch up with it. Don’t get cast off in the sunlit digital age when the DARQ age dawns upon all of us.



Muskan Puri
The Project Team

love content writing. Waiting for new adventures and explorations