3 Ways to Punch Perfectionism in the Face

Ryan J. Pelton
The Prolific Creator
4 min readJul 23, 2021


We all have perfectionist tendencies. Doesn’t matter if you’ve written thousands of articles on Medium, or published twenty books. Perfectionism is a disease we all must fight.

Now you may say: sure Ryan, perfectionism is a problem for you. Not me. I publish and ship all kinds of stuff into the world. Perfectionism never holds me back.

Are you sure?

Do me a favor. Think about how many articles or manuscripts are sitting on your hard drive. What house projects are left undone in the name of busyness, health, or lack of funds? How about that next great idea, or relationship you’re hesitant to pursue?

What’s the culprit of all the things left undone in our lives? Yes, we ship a lot of work, and finish stuff. But what is underneath all these loose ends?

We can chalk up our inability to finish projects as busyness, money, or health. Not to say none of these are never a barrier. But underneath these abandoned manuscripts, unstained decks, and businesses living in our minds… Perfectionism.

Perfectionism is a tricky disease because it often hides under a smokescreen of fear.

We’ll say: I’m such a perfectionist, I just can’t seem to finish my book, article, or landscape the yard.



Ryan J. Pelton
The Prolific Creator

I'm a writer and teacher from Kansas City. Let's make some great art with our lives! Weekly creative inspiration: ryanjpelton.com/newsletter