My high school ID, freshman year.

‘What would you tell your teen self’ prompt

Lori Botterman
The Prompt Project


What would I tell my teenage self?

  1. That suntan will backfire.
  2. All women aren’t your competition. Cultivate and maintain your girlfriend relationships.
  3. Stop being mean. Friendliness and charm go a looong way.
  4. Love your sister. She will be your best friend one day.
  5. Don’t worry so much about having a fall-back plan. Pursue art, theater, writing. Creativity finds a way to eat.
  6. People want to love you. Let them.
  7. Don’t spend so much money on clothes, makeup and partying; learn how to save money for travel.
  8. You do not have to go out every Friday and Saturday night. Stay in and read or listen to music. It’s really ok to be alone with yourself.
  9. You absolutely will use algebra. Pay attention in math class.
  10. You will not marry your high school boyfriend. But, you will fall in love again so don’t worry about it.
  11. Keep jogging, swimming, playing tennis, doing cartwheels. It’s going to set you up for a lifetime exercise habit.
  12. You’re good at being a teenager. Your parents are proud of you even if you don’t get perfect grades. (But really, girl you could get straight A’s if you tried. )
  13. These are some of the best days of your life. You will never be as free as you are now — unencumbered by adulthood, but old enough to appreciate adult things. Explore and enjoy it all.



Lori Botterman
The Prompt Project

Marketer, writer, novice photographer, mother of adults, Zumba instructor, silver sister.