The Making of a Dragon Wizard

birth of an age

Tovah Rainsong
2 min readFeb 11, 2023
double headed fire breathing dragon
A Triple Head Dragon Sculpture in a Park · Free Stock Photo (

When my son was five he was diagnosed with “artism” pretty far along on the spectrum. He was obsessed with drawing dragons. There were red and green dragons, two-headed dragons, small and large dragons, fierce dragons and gentle giants, fire-breathing and fireless — it was an endless stream of dragon images. And he would read everything he could about dragon lore.

I love my son, and I hated to see him like this, knowing that he will always need to take medication and always be different. There’s no cure for “artism” — you just live with it. I knew he would never be like other kids. And we could wallpaper the whole house with his drawings.

I got home one day from shopping and immediately felt something different about the house. It was an energy, a hum in the air. I went to check on Mervyn. When I opened the door I stood stupified. There facing me was a fully formed dragon — green scales and all — looking back at me.

“How do you do, Mrs. Mervyn, it said,” with a little puff of smoke emanating from its nostrils as it exhaled the words. It’s good to meet my wizard’s mother.”

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Tovah Rainsong

I marvel at life and enjoy communing with all life forms—maybe not snakes and spiders. I read and write on a wide variety of topics—from ants to zany humor.