5 Astonishing 80s Style Pop and Synth Versions of Famous Rock Songs

It’s time to dance like nobody’s watching

Edward John
The Pub


Image by lookstudio on Freepik

Great songs are great songs, no matter what instruments they are made with.

Sometimes, a new version of a song can be just as good as the original. If it’s done in an ’80s style, even better because the ’80s was the best decade that ever decaded. If you disagree, you need to have your brain examined by a giraffe. It doesn’t make sense, but that’s what happens sometimes.

Green Day — Boulevard of Broken Dreams

According to Rolling Stone 11 years ago, the original version of this song was Green Day’s eighth-best song. So it’s no surprise that this 80s-style version has had over 2.6 million views on YouTube. That’s more than the population of Namibia.

According to a YouTube comment with 6.5k likes, Mike from Green Day “knows that this exists and he loves it.” They could have just said that he loves it. He couldn’t love it if he didn’t know about it. If the comment said, “Mike…



Edward John
The Pub

Sometimes my inside is full of sunshine 🌞 edwardjohnwritesATgmailDOTcom