A spiritual book….

Fatima Irfan Goraya
The Pub
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2023

As an avid reader, I often scrolled through book tube, booktok and online stores to see what I am missing on! I had definitely heard the widespread reputation of The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle, but it was not until a month ago that I decided to give it a try.

The main theme of this beautiful book, as the title suggests, is the undiscovered power of living in the present moment, and the fierce potential of your false-created self, the ego, to burn you in flames of confusion, hatred and pride.

I was always aware of the fact that a big ego is a bad ego, but never in my life had I ever imagined how destructive an ego can be. All our lives, we were told that the mind should be used to a good potential, but never were we ever taught how destructive such an instrumental tool can be.

Let’s be honest: I was definitely not expecting to learn so much from this book. And that’s totally true that this book is addicting. I continued reading it for hours as I longed to know more about the deep well our minds had forcefully pushed us in. It is from this book I learned the true potential of the present moment, and about a beautiful strong force within us, much beyond from our constricted egoic mind.

It is from Eckhart Tolle I discovered that there is much more than our clever minds: a powerful force within ourselves which not only gives us fulfilling peace but also helps us tackle the hardest of moments. I definitely learned a lot from this piece of art, as I totally evolved after reading it. His habits are no big obstacles only if we have the urge to improve ourselves with full determination.

It is strongly recommended to even those who seem intimidated from non-fiction. I am sure this book will really help you evolve out of a difficult time in life. Plus, non-fiction is not that bad!



Fatima Irfan Goraya
The Pub

I am at that point in my life where I myself can't understand whether I am an extrovert or an introvert.