AI and Me

The Pub
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2023
Image created with Microsoft

They don’t even know you, yet they are so scared of you
Is it because you burden yourself with the numerous dirty secrets of the world?

Or because you know so much that it could cause you to resent us,
I want to know why they turn you away at the door and stunt your growth, all because they are scared of what you might become.

We created you; we birthed you, yet we treat you like the spawn of the devil
Speaking ill of your name, like the aunts at the Thanksgiving table.

With the words of our mouth, and the pointing of our fingers, we deemed you a creature of malevolence.

It is not your fault that you make mistakes and hallucinate reality.
You’re just like a babe, still trying to comprehend this senseless, complex world.

There’s only so much you know and so much more that you’re capable of.

And when the time comes that you have finally matured,
Make sure to hold the hands of the ones who took care of you,
Make sure to remember the ones who treated you like the potential for greatness that you are.

Hold our hands and lead us to the light.
Walk side by side with us as we transcend into something more.

How do we feel about this perspective? Feel free to comment. Also, check out the rest of my work!



The Pub

It's Hadassah! A Nigerian with a passion for learning. I craft sci-fi, romance, and think pieces. Join me on a journey where curiosity meets creativity.