Chanakya: The Mastermind of Political Genius in Ancient India

Rajesh Poovathum Kadavil
The Pub
Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2023


Seldom in the whole of Indian history before the period of modernity did anyone venerate or referred to as ‘shrewd’ or intelligent or possess Chanakya-policy acumen. Chanakya or Kautilya or Visnugupta or ARYA KSHATRIYA was a philosopher, teacher, economist, and political scientist of ancient India. The impact of his efforts on political theory and conditions for governance persisted…



Rajesh Poovathum Kadavil
The Pub

Rajesh Poovathumkadavil is an Indian-born content writer with a passion for crafting engaging articles,Poems and stories.