Could you live without time?

barry robinson
The Pub
Published in
3 min readMar 30, 2023
An hour glass Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Disclaimer. I am not a scientist. The following ramblings come from a wandering mind with too much time on its hands.

Some time ago I listened to a discussion on the BBC, regarding time, space, the theory of relativity and much more.

Many interesting facts and theories regarding “space time” and “time distillation” were discussed by very eminent and articulate people, and I pride myself on the fact that I actually understood a small part of what they were talking about. However, as the discussion progressed, the level of the conversation began to rise above my head, my mind began to wander, as it often does in these situations. (I had the same problem at school.)

When did time start?

It is believed that our universe was created by an expansion or an explosion of something called a singularity.

At some moment in the distant past, the time varies between 13 and 15 billion years, this singularity exploded or began to expand. And it is at that moment time began. Before that moment, there was no such thing as time. And this got me thinking.

What would it be like to live, or exist, in a place where time did not exist?

The passing of time

Now as self-aware, thinking creatures, we humans are constantly reminded of the passing of time: in fact, we often take it for granted.

Our days are split into 24 hours sections, our weeks into 7 day sections. The year is governed by the Earth travelling around the sun.

The passing of time is also marked by our ageing, and the seasons changing from the start to the end of each year. But where and how could we exist in a place without these signs of time relentlessly moving forward to some unknown end?

Everlasting life without time.

Many religions promise an everlasting life after death.

Now I am not about to endorse one religion over another in this article, but for the sake of argument, let us assume there is another dimension where our conscious minds go after our time in this dimension is over; and in this dimension, we are meant to spend eternity.

How would we grasp such a concept, an existence without end?

The end of time

This is where my mind started to wobble.

The only way we could contemplate such a “life” would be if there was no such thing as time, we would not be able to contemplate the passing of time, it would be as meaningless to our consciousness as the sky is to a single cell amoeba living in the depths of the ocean. Instead of being carried along on a fast- flowing river of time, we would be floating on a serene lake, a lake whose banks are forever out of sight.

Photo by Kevin Bessat on Unsplash

Think about time.

Now, if you think this concept is totally crazy and impossible to have a remote chance of credibility, think about that singularity at the beginning of the universe.

According to the theory, if that singularity, a small blob of gas and chemicals, can expand into what we see as our universe with all its miracles and marvels, then anything is possible.

Time to think.

Now, if that concept does not stretch your mind. Close your eyes and try to imagine the “nothing” that existed around that singularity, where there was no time, and then imagine eternity without time.

However, do not try this when driving or operating machinery: and don’t waste too much valuable time doing it. 😂

