Crossing Rivers: The Strategic Sacrifices We Make for Success

The Pub
Published in
2 min readJan 9, 2024
Photo by kazuend on Unsplash

Years ago, when the French ranchers wanted to cross a river teeming with carnivorous fish, they would send the oldest cow of the herd into the depths so that the fish would devour it, allowing the rest of the herd to safely traverse the river.

The strategy of sacrificing the old cow reflects a common theme — the willingness to part with something valuable to achieve goals and gain something in return.

In both our personal and business lives, we continually find ourselves sacrificing our own “old cows. In the intricate tapestry of our personal and business lives, we continually find ourselves at the crossroads of sacrifice. These sacrifices encompass a broad spectrum, ranging from the investment of time, income, and pride to the relinquishment of feelings, pleasures, and experiences — all undertaken to propel us closer to our desired objectives.

It’s essential to evaluate whether sacrificing these elements is truly worth it. At times, we may unwittingly deplete our assets and capabilities over insignificant matters, forgetting that these resources are limited and shouldn’t be squandered.

In conclusion, let this tale echo in the corridors of decision-making — a reminder that every metaphorical river we choose to cross should be met with careful consideration. There must exist a compelling reason to embark on the journey, for the toll paid for traversing such metaphorical rivers can be substantial, demanding a thoughtful evaluation of the costs and benefits.

