Do You Feel This Strange Lethargy and Inertia?

I wonder why we feel this way.

Sieran Lane
The Pub
Published in
4 min readFeb 11, 2023


Cute dog lying on bed, staring adorably up at you. There are digital devices lying beside the doggo.
Cute little me being listless. Photo by IgorVetushko on DepositPhotos. Author has standard license to use photo for commercial purposes.

Do you have this odd sense of lethargy and listlessness?

It’s not depression, where you lose interest in things altogether.

You don’t feel dismal and you don’t feel pain. Instead, you have a mild, lukewarm interest towards activities you normally love. Writing romances, writing erotica, reading books, singing Disney songs… You smile at these activities but you’re not that excited about any of them.

This lingering inertia doesn’t feel like anxiety, either. While some areas in your life could be better, overall, life doesn’t seem too bad. It might even be pretty good. As for your ambitions to earn more money, improve your health, find a partner…none of that seems important right now.

In fact, you’re not even stressed, which is surprising, since you’re typically stressed and overwhelmed. You’re aware that a lot of tasks require your attention. Laundry, vacuuming, cooking, replying to urgent clients’ emails, and so many other things.

But instead of feeling intimidated by your long to-do list, you’re just annoyed and want to be left alone.

You’re annoyed too when you have to see people, even if you love and enjoy talking…



Sieran Lane
The Pub
Writer for

A queer trans writer and therapist. I help fiction writers complete their novels. Let's connect!